Anatomy of Corruption
Opinion May 20, 2019Anatomy of Corruption
Americans are just now realizing how close to the brink of oblivion we were had Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election. Nothing could be more palimpsest than the quickly unfolding layers of official corruption, once denied, that is the “Deep State.” There’s one and its tentacles run deep.
Mueller’s inquiry left no stone unturned in trying to prove that Trump and/or his campaign team colluded with the Russians causing the anointed one, Queen Hillary, to lose, while avoiding completely Hillary Clintons and the DNC’s real collusion with the Russians. Answer to those questions now fall to Attorney General Barr who’s already batting away the tears of fear from those who will be affected. The Buck should stop at Obama. He owns it all.
As Atty. General Barr’s investigations commence into finding the cause and effect, the Who, What, Where, When and Why any investigation requires, the How shows the starting results that the conspirators own clumsiness revealed. It makes gangrene look good by comparison.
Government normally works like a poorly oiled machine with lines of communication up and down, often interrupted by mid-level managers who don’t like the goals sought or want to alter already decisions made. The now revealed layers of corruption shows how deep the rot had permeated the FBI, DoJ, CIA, IRS and DCI, each with some law enforcement element to it that could send any one of us to prison, for anything or for nothing. Scary!
In ancient times, groups of similar’s gathered together for protection. A leader was selected based upon his ability to fight and protect them (Clans). Societies then divide themselves into smaller groups (Septs) under the titular leadership of the main Chief by cooperation and agreement and acknowledgement of that up chain of command. Its called respect.
In our times, leadership, like in Congress, by right, goes to the oldest, not the best. When those groups divide because they don’t get along, then leadership has to be decisively brutal. For example, Nancy Pelosi, a nitwit, is “Speaker” not because she’s a tough leader who drinks wine from the skulls of her enemies, but because she’s the oldest. AOC on the other hand, in her first two months in her tribe, has already challenged Pelosi for the leadership, not practically, but figuratively because people naturally follow the popular leader.
Too retain their power, and its ‘perks,’ a leader, including their hangers-on, have to be respected. Where is it in the Democrat Party today? Twenty-three Democrat wannabe’s presidents clawing with each other for hegemony over the others, only stopping short of bashing in the others skulls?
They do this while Americas real Clan Chief, the wizard of human relations, Donald Trump, contemptuously looks down from his seat in the Oval Office and mocks them cruelly for their incompetence, ignorance and weakness. Trump has shown Americans what Presidential leadership should be. Interruptions to the flow of authority by deep state implants will soon end. Trump will then be free to continue breaking away the chains of socialism the Democrats have been hanging around American’s necks for decades. Disrespectful threats to Trumps leadership fall off his back like water off a ducks back.
Who can have any respect for Rep. Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiffer, whiners both, incapable of striking a fatal blow. They are leaders because of being in Congress far too long, not because they know what the hell they’re doing. But they can do no less because they too have been corrupted by the very machine they live in, political power. Nadler has his ‘subpoena power’ How’s that working for him? Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (19May19)
Has It Started? Has What Started?
Opinion July 16, 2019I believe I recently wrote that somewhere, sometime, some good citizen, weary to death of being assailed by the hooded antifa nut cases on the streets of their city, will shoot one of ‘em to death. I didn’t think that would happen a day or so later but, I knew it was bound happen.
The difference here is that the poor bugger who was shot to death was done so because he was engaged in an armed assault on an ICE facility in Tacoma, Wa. He was in his black uniform, possessed a rifle and according to news sources, was throwing explosive devices toward the ICE facility. And, it was further reported, he attempted to rig a propane tank to explode, the shrapnel of which had the potential to cause injury or death to bystanders. That was an enemy soldier in the flesh, operating on our streets and it’s right he should be dead.
That this 69 year old nimrod possessed a rifle suggests he had it for another purpose and it wasn’t for rabbit hunting. The caliber wasn’t given but a .22 would qualify if used as a sniper weapon, for deadly return fire. In any event, this represents an escalation of the power pyramid in the minds of the radical communists who call themselves anti-fascists.
Like the Nazis did with Horst Wessel this lot will attempt to make a martyr of him and use his ‘bravery’ as an example for all to emulate. One wonders if he wrote a song. His remains are now in law enforcement’s hands. He should be cremated and his ashes pitched out of a speeding airplane over a landfill or a sewer treatment plant.
I think, like the peyote using Indians doing their Ghost Dance a hundred years ago, that this lot believe they have enough support behind them to occupy the streets and start killing policemen. That’s their chosen path into anarchy. The Antifa’s are anarchists and should be dealt with accordingly. But, we don’t talk about it. Why is that?
This never came up in Trump’s “Made in America” press conference. Why? The radical left wing media wasn’t interested in anarchy on our streets. They were intent on asking questions about the supposed bad treatment we shower on the invaders at our southern border; the separating of poor little children from their coyotes, uh, loving parents, the stench and hunger of the masses of people being detained in the border concentration camps and Trumps suggestion that the three female Muslim and one Marxist Puerto Rican Congresspersons, should go back to their own countries. Is he wrong? John Kasich thinks so.
Has it started? Yes, it has. Has what started? The downfall of the Democrat party. It has turned to radical left-wing Marxism. Pelosi knows it. She might appear stupid but she knows what’s coming. She sees the trap Donald Trump has baited for her party’s far left nimrods. She can’t stop the four blind mice from reaching for the bait. The question has been asked: Why does the mouse trap work? Because the mice don’t understand why the cheese is free!
There are several important things to not lose sight of. First and most importantly, Hillary Clinton and her corrupt FBI and DoJ crony’s are still free. Second, The Democrats are still after our guns because they know they’ll never succeed as long as Americans remain armed and third, Jeffery Epstein is not the news, he’s simply another pedophile, a rich one, headed for a long prison term. The only question is, will he take Bill Clinton with him? Trumps successes as a politician speaks for itself. It now becomes our duty to protect him and help him make America Great Again.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!
Is Impeachment a Celebrity Trap for the Democrats?
Opinion June 19, 2019Is Impeachment a Celebrity Trap for the Democrats?
It was Oscar Wilde I think, who opined “the second worst thing in the world is being talked about. The worst thing is not being talked about.” Wilde was referring to his ‘celebrity’ of course, having it and then losing it like the Democrats seem determined to do.
The Nobel Peace Prize once enjoyed the ‘celebrity’ of its uniqueness until it was laughingly awarded to Jimmy Carter for his failed Camp David Accords effort, an insult to peacekeepers everywhere. To compound the insult, it was awarded to Al Gore for his silly obsession with melting ice, dying polar bears and rising oceans. Then, even before finishing six months in office, the prize was award to Obama, not for what he did but for what he said he would do, a new low! It was talked about, then not talked about, then forgotten. The Nobel Prize is near meaningless, the medal a mere trinket. Celebrity lost!
Are the Democrats going to achieve the same results with their Articles of Impeachment? We’ll see.
Right now, the Democrat Congress, having lost their attempt to oust our duly elected President for lack of evidence because there was none, have demanded Trumps “impeachment” for high crimes and misdemeanors, however that’s defined. However they want to define it, I’m for it, not because I want Trump gone, no indeed, just then opposite, because it gives him an open forum to defend himself and expose the miscreants of the deep state. “When the trumpet sounds, In unfrenzied excitement he plows up the ground, he paws fiercely, rejoicing in its strength and charges into the fray, afraid of nothing.”
Once the House pass’s its indictment to Impeach, it goes to the Senate for trial. It’s probable the Republican Senate will put a swift end to the procedure but doing so will rob Trump and America, from the joy of watching the close examination that will reveal the tawdry facts. Any Republican Senator who votes for impeachment will be marked as the traitors they are, to face their own voters at their next campaign.
The Senates trial will allow Trump’s team, for the first time, to have the right to question all of these people under oath: Hillary Clinton, former FBI Director Comey, S/A Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Glenn Simpson, Donna Brazile, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Chris Steele, Brennan, Clapper, and a bunch of other participants we haven’t even heard of, all involved in the coup attempt. They know that and they don’t want to be anywhere near a trial of a real surviver, Donald Trump. In their desperation and fear they will turn on themselves, which has probably already started.
Under the probing questions by Trumps attorney’s, the real truth will be revealed. As the finger pointing occurs, deals will be made and suddenly a lot of democrats will wish they were somewhere else. Many are going to be charged with real Crimes and Misdemeanors and they will go to jail. America needs to be cleansed. The celebrity of political leadership has been irrevocably tarnished.
If you didn’t realize it, the ball will be in our court. The Republican controlled Senate will determine what testimony is allowed. Remember, Hillary Clinton bailed out the Bankrupt DNC effectively taking political control of it. From that unholy union came the DNC’s (Hillary’) decision to fix the Democrat Primary election in her favor; followed by the phony Trump dossier, her cover up and destruction of subpoenaed incriminating email evidence and her later public exculpation by FBI Director Comey. Outrageous! It will all come out, if they go to trial.
If the Senate declines to convict the President, as they doubtless will, then the Democrat legislative obstruction will proceed as usual, as will the election that Trump will win. People will have seen that democrats have wasted over two years trying to hold onto their power. America’s real needs, the invasion of our borders, China’s growing hegemony in South-East Asia, Iran’s sword rattling, creating more American jobs and restoring our defense capabilities, will all be ignored, if the Democrats stay in the Congress.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!
Opinion November 16, 2018In a wartime situation, a general might create a diversion on one side of the battlefield in order to
perform a flanking movement on the enemy and take advantage of the element of surprise.
In Desert Storm, General Norman Schwarzkopf employed a series of deceptions in his battle
He used many tactics to fool the Iraqi army. He would create publicized military maneuvers and
release “news” to the press to throw a smoke screen as to his true intentions for his next attack.
In this way, he practiced deception and attacked at a completely different area, confusing his
The Florida election voter recount is an example of very devious sleight of hand with nefarious
intentions. It would seem that the 2000 Presidential election was once again upon us.
Oh wait, maybe it is, Brenda Snipes is still in charge of the election process. Wouldn’t you think
that she would have been canned for that 2000 boondoggle and if not, then destroying the ballots
in the 2016 election for Debbie Wasserman Schultz. The total incompetence and or alleged
corruption of Brenda Snipes is well known. She and her team have defied recent court orders
nonchalantly with a blatant disregard for law as in previous instances.
The Governor’s race and the Senate race recount antics are a diversionary tactic to camouflage
the Democrats real need to change the voting results of the Department of Agriculture
Why would such a big deal be made over a relatively minor position you might ask?
It is well known that the Democratic agenda is to one day abolish the 2 nd amendment and
disarm the populace.
Obama made it very clear that he was for gun control and expected to have prevented the people
from defending themselves by the end of his terms. Hillary was to carry on this desire and finish
the 2nd amendment off when she won the election they tried to rig in her favor.
2nd amendment followers did not acquiesce to their desires, in fact, most went out and bought
several more firearms and more ammunition.
The Department of Agriculture is where the process is started to apply for open carry and
concealed carry of firearms.
The department that owns the PROCESS has the power to slow walk anyone’s application.
It is reminiscent of the IRS scandal with non-profit organizations during the previous Democratic
On November 8, 2018, Democrat Nikki Fried trailed Republican Matt Caldwell by more than
four thousand votes. By end of day she was leading by two thousand, nine hundred and fourteen
Fried has called for emergency donations and expects to lead the race to victory.
Has anyone heard anything about this particular race on the news?
While the public is focused on Scott and DeSantis, the crooked Snipes team is working its wiles
on the Commissioner’s race for a Democratic win.
The people of Florida made their desires well known by the way they cast their votes on
November 6, 2018.
Why is it so hard for the Democratic Party to accept the will of the people and try to gain power
and position by ANY MEANS NECESSARY?
The races will be decided for Scott and DeSantis the way the people wanted. While the election
committee grinds and dances, Nikki Fried will have been pushed up. Who knows if it is for real
or if the race has now been contrived?
Opinion October 25, 2018According to the news media, no one likes Trump. Women hate Trump, African
Americans hate Trump, Latinos and on and on it goes.
That is why it is strange when the news shows a Trump Rally.
The arena is packed cheek by jowl in supporters. All are waving signs like Women for Trump,
Blacks for Trump etc. Outside the administration has to put up big screens like at a rock concert
for the overflow of people who will not fit in the venue.
In fact, for the Cruz rally in Texas, President Trump had to move to a larger event center in order
to accommodate the “unprecedented demand for tickets.”
Of course, no one does size like Texas, but the rally filled the Toyota Center in Houston and had
a huge tailgate/picnic of followers outside watching the screens.
If it is as Rosie O’Donnell says and these people are paid to attend, that must get pretty pricey.
(I have attended one of his rallies. I didn’t get a dime. I did get harassed by the protestors of
which the police politely watched. Later, I listened to the evening news and learned that there
were copious quantities of protestors and very few attendees to the rally. I saw about 150
protestors and the venue was full in every seat, plus the open floor was crammed with people as
Those two who will not go away, the also-rans, Obama and Southern border have had less
success in drawing a crowd lately.
In September, even in liberal California, Obama was only able to draw seven hundred and fifty
people to his ant-Trump rally in Anaheim.
Yes, a long time ago, before the public realized that he was smooth talking, treacherous, empty
promises, bag of wind, Obama could also draw quite a few people. Actions, which always speak
louder than words, must have betrayed him and perhaps his base has fled to the new prosperity
that America is enjoying now.
Hillary never could fill a venue when she was running for president anyway. The photographers
had to push all the people into a corner at times to get a shot of a “crowd.”
The media is in constant denial of the obvious difference in the number of people who are drawn
to these rallies.
Last Tuesday, the day after a Trump rally, CNN was running a tape that read,” Trump tells lies
and spreads fear before the election.”
Trump was referring to a “caravan” of about 5000 or so people headed for out Southern border.
So far, the group has grown in size exponentially. They have crashed through the borders of
Guatemala and Mexico. The governments there seem unable to stop them.
Trump suggests that perhaps the Democrats and George Soros had something to do with the
funding of the mass of people. That is his supposed “lie.”
However, it gives all the appearance of being a true statement.
Has anyone heard the first word or peep from the Democrats against this invasion?
It is not a caravan of poor immigrants, humbly seeking asylum in order to be free.
No, when a foreign body comes bearing the flag of their country, cursing the President saying
“f*** Trump” to reporters and demanding entrance, it is an INVASION!”
These people appear well fed, they are clean and well dressed. They are purchasing merchandise
like televisions and food along the way. They are being bussed and given transport.
Where is all the money coming from to finance this venture?
The President has said he will deport regular troops to the border if necessary to stop these
people from coming across our borders.
All the bleeding heart liberals are complaining and wanting to be compassionate. They say the
President doesn’t have the right to deploy troops in defense of the border.
This is incorrect!
In 1952, The Immigration and Nationality Act was passed by Congress, clause 2012 of this bill
gives the President the power to use US troops as necessary to keep foreigners out of the United
It is the primary responsibility of the President to protect the citizens of the United States.
It is rumored that criminals and others with a nefarious agenda are numbered among the group
moving to the border.
If the Mexican government fails to stop this flow of people, President Trump will have no choice
but to stop it with force.
Other than Nancy Pelosi and some of her minions, most people want this surge stopped.
The United States cannot support the world or allow people who are either up to no good, or just
want a free ride to destroy our economy and nation.
America Has Never Seen Such Perfidy
Opinion August 23, 2018I might consider it important to be even remotely concerned by the result of the Manafort, Cohen
witch trials, that are solely designed to reverse the voters choice in 2016, when I see Hillary
Clinton and her cabal of criminal enablers headed for prison or the hangman’s scaffold.
Every member of the “deep state” that supported the Hillary Clinton nonsense after the election,
dedicated to bringing down Trump, has engaged in a treasonous act that screams for retribution
yet, there she is, reorganizing herself, ostensibly to have another go in 2020 at ruining America.
Trump threw a dagger into the heart of the forth estate, the Left Wing Media, when he called
them the enemy of the state and they can’t pull the dagger out because he was right. When the
media fails to report news as it happens but becomes instead, shills for socialism, doing all in
their power to ignore Trumps triumphs while conniving to implicate him in unproven collusion
schemes that Hillary Clinton and the DNC cooked up, then they correctly stand accused.
Why does the Left Wing media ignore another brutal murder of an American citizen by an
Illegal, once a DACA claimant, by referring to the victim, in passing, as “that girl in Iowa?” Why
does Pocahontas, a wanna-be Socialist candidate for President, when asked her opinion about
the brutal murder of young Mollie Tibbett's by an illegal alien, answer with some slop about
babies being separated from their families at the border? The murders of Americans by illegal
immigrants, like Mollie Tibbett's in Iowa and Kate Steinlie in San Francisco, make no impression
at all on members of the POPO (Party of Perpetual Outrage), i.e.: the Democrats. Why?
Because they simply do not care. They need voters and as both those young murdered women,
and others, are already dead, their opinion doesn’t count anymore.
PoPo’s give no thought of course that both of the girls were separated from their own families,
forever. If the People are the State, then yes, the media stands as its enemy. “The enumeration
in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained
by the people”… 9th amendment. Perhaps the people need to establish courts to address these
high crimes and misdemeanors by government officials, if those we pay to protect us, won’t.
Yes, I realize we’re talking “extra-judicial” proceedings here but the point must come, as surely it
will, that for its own protection the “deplorable’s” must take preemptive action or be crushed
under the heel of totalitarianism. It’s the reason it’s important to preserve the 2nd amendment.
The PoPo’s have no compunction launching their Antifa’s and BLM’s against us, do they?
Michale Cohen, Trump’s once personal legal adviser, wasn’t found guilty of anything. He simply
agreed to a plea bargain with the devil. The issue of Trump’s alleged collusion, after a years
intrusion by Mueller into what has already been exposed as a PoPo scheme directed by Hillary
Clinton and facilitated by the corrupted DoJ and FBI, still go unanswered. We are told Hillary
was exonerated (by FBI Director Comey). How can that possibly be? Where in all the
Constitutional rules that govern America’s laws, does an FBI Director have the power of
exonerating any criminal without at least a Grand Jury proceeding? And that’s DoJ’s job.
Yet, despite all the schemes of the ‘PoPo’s, there stands Trump still erasing the legacy of the
most harmful president we have ever experienced. Trump is saving America and the PoPo’s
can’t take it anymore. Trump’s filled rallies are proof enough of that. He speaks to the people
and the people, the real state, are listening.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way, now, go get’m (22Aug18).
Short Takes – The Changing Political Landscape
Opinion November 29, 2017The Changing Political Landscape
Despite the outward appearance of viability, trying desperately to raise funds to reclaim the Congress in 2018, the dysfunctional Progressive, Democrat Party is actually nearing its end. We’re on to ‘em! For all of that, so the GOP may be in the twilight of its existence if they continue to legislate with fear, govern with uncertainty and waste time maneuvering themselves, as individual politicians simply to keep their jobs in disregard of what’s best for America. There are exceptions. Georgia’s Senator David Perdue for one and Rep. Jody Hice for another.
We now learn the Democrat candidate for Governor of Florida has abandoned his party affiliation, not to become a Republican, but to run as an independent. A pox on both parties. That’s not a good sign. Trust is a fungible quality and once lost is rarely, if ever, regained.
America is at a turning point. We’ve allowed the Progressive Socialist to ruin what was once America while we casually accepted the “collectivism” type of government that never works. The solution comes when we realize our plight and work to understand the gift that is our Constitution, protect it and make sure that any new politicians who want to face the challenge, do so within the rule of law, not personal enrichment. How did Senator Mitch McConnell manage to accumulate $55 million in personal wealth if he wasn’t a swamp dweller? I’m just asking?
Political restoration Is a slow process requiring time, joint efforts and funds but, it must be done or Reagan’s “Shining City on the Hill,” dream, the beacon for hopeless people everywhere, will flicker out and the world will be plunged into darkness for a thousand years and the word “Freedom” will only be understood as willful compliance with the state.
The forces of the Left are arraying themselves against us. Conservative candidates are under attack with slanders, false accusations and innuendos of perversion, sexual assaults and pedophilia. Why? Because, when challenged, the Left have no arguments that can prevail against, truth, justice and the Constitution. Therefore, they must try to kill the messenger.
Judge Roy Moore, Republican candidate for Alabama Senator, represents a clear and present danger to the existing, corrupt forces of the DC political elites or, more simply, the swamp. Poll takers, including Fox News, project that Democrat Jones, ahead of Moore on percentage points to become the next Senator from Alabama, will probably prevail. Don’t bet on it. The pollsters predicted with certainty that Hillary Clinton would be the next president by a landslide. Hummn?
People lie to pollsters including on-line polls directed to supposedly party loyalists. Voters are beginning to recognize the skewed types of questions designed to produce a desired outcome so, they lie! The President uses this process in reverse. He “tweets,” early in the mornings, and sets the his day’s agenda, while the Democrats and the media go berserk trying to figure out just what he meant but, coming from Trump it must have been bad! Elizabeth Warren rose to his tweet bait today with his “Pocahontas” remark, once again revealing herself as a fool. Trump therefore, controls the agenda while we are treated to the medias dysfunction.
In our current dilemma of tax reform, the Democrats cannot retreat from their constant claim that America is Capitalist and greedy but, they can’t explain why half of the population is subsidized and the subsidized half are victims. Victims of what, Capitalism? Yet Republicans, uncertain of the way the wind blows, dither about in confusion and inaction and get nothing accomplished. Indecision is as deadly as incompetence.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (28Nov17)
Political Schisms are Coming. Be Prepared!
Opinion December 10, 2018Skilled politicians can propagandize people to accept their own slavery, and even demand
more. Hitler did it with apparent ease. Unorganized push back is ineffective and if dangerous to
the state and the state feels threatened, it will turn tyrannical to save itself. Keep your guns.
The unpleasantness now growing on the streets of Paris, reflect a tax push back by a once
moribund French population for whom any more compliance has hit a wall. They have just about
had all the socialist crap they can take. French President Macrons casual increase in fuel taxes,
in support of fighting global warming, blew up in his face and he’s backed down. The riots on the
streets of Paris are predictable precursors to the unloading of a whole host of other grievances
against European socialist engineering that has seduced the people to accept an ideology foreign
to their human nature, their culture and their best interests. Global socialism is starting to
unravel. Even in their anger, the French rioters are calling out “Trump, Trump, Trump.” Well?
The toad, Macron is part of the New World Order crowd that demands Eastern European
countries, who are adamantly refusing to participate, accept their fair share of Islamic migrants
for the good of European economic production. The Europeans have been propagandized into
accepting these hostile foreign workers because of the low birthrates in host countries. That
problem, like here in America, is caused by the enacted Socialists schemes for selected
population control through infanticide (abortion), doctor-assisted suicides and, for the elderly,
denial of medical services after a certain age.
People understand that when those Islamic rascals move into their host countries they
immediately set about demanding, by threats and violence, that host governments accept their
demands for Shariah Laws. They create “no-go zones” and also expect the passive acceptance
of the Islamization of that country by demanding hate crime laws to punish infidels who refuse to
comply with their submission to Islamic enslavement. Make no mistake, Islam is not your friend.
Statistics now show that most of these people don’t work but live off the social welfare programs
of the host country, paid for by the taxpayers, while they engage in the Islamic subversion of the
host populations. I think the French people have about had all they can stand of that too.
It’s working like that in America too. Consider those millennial age students who are turning
toward Democrat socialism espoused by the likes of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren
among others. Sanders and Warren are from the old school of American socialists that practiced
subversion by stealth, through the implementation of “Common Core” educational programs, the
seating of Jurists who are willing to impose feel good laws that are unconstitutional, and through
the wholesale attempts to impose government mandated healthcare.
To prevent the citizens from noticing what the “elites” are doing, it’s necessary for them to
distract us with nonsense. The Leftist propaganda machine, the Main Stream Media, is in
business to do just that. Fretting over natural occurrences and trifles while the Deep State
continues its negative narrative to implicate President Trump in wrongdoing while exculpating
the real source of evil, Hillary Clinton and her cabal of potential codefendants.
Americans who see this, instinctively understand that if this phony Mueller Investigation works to
remove President Trump from office upon a manufactured pretense, but fails to pursue the
Clintons/Obama crime syndicate, then the danger exists that the American people just might
take a note from the brave French standing up to the EU’s Socialist machine that is killing them,
and do the same. That’s why they want our guns.
I have very little faith in our political party’s or their politicians, except for the President, to do the
right thing. Americans, enough of them to make Donald Trump the President, will absolutely not
countenance his removal by the “Deep State” criminals trying to protect themselves by removing
Here, the law of unintended consequences of their legislations will be noticeable. To make a law
that’s is contrary to the best interests of America, then make another law to repair the damage,
is to create the impression they are doing something worthy. This too will not go unnoticed
The world, especially Europe and the United States, are on the cusp of the greatest effort by the
New World Order crowd of international bankers and political leaders, to steal our liberties and
our production for no good purpose at all save to satisfy a “elites” desire to hold power over all.
Apart from their open borders initiatives that expects all countries (especially America) to accept
the entry of any and all immigrants without exception, their next step will be the coming
economic crisis for which Trump will be blamed.
To fix that ‘false flag’ crisis they will encourage the acceptance of their phony “cryptocurrency”
that, once accepted, will become the valueless currency of the New World Order. We will soon
become a cashless society and when that happens, our enslavement will be complete. Think
about that! It could be just around the corner.
Remember, Liberty is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (10Dec18)
Short Takes – The Clinton’s Demise?
Opinion December 11, 2017The Clinton’s Demise?
“Oh, what tangled webs we weave when at first we practice to deceive.” Wm. Shakespeare.
Are “The chickens are coming home to roost,” at least for the Clinton’s? The awful shenanigans that the Democrats have perpetrated against Donald Trump before his election last November are being revealed for the real criminality they are. Why can’t the DoJ see that? If you grew up in the Watergate era of Richard Nixon, that pales in comparison to Clintons criminality. Remember, Hillary Clinton paid off the DNC’s outstanding debts and in exchange, demanded complete control over the DNC’s money and activities, and got it. Therefore, Hillary Clinton and the DNC are synonymous.
Early in 2017, the Clinton campaign began to suspect their personal attacks against Donald Trump were not working but had instead, actually gave Trump’s campaign more favorable exposure than they intended. At the same time the FBI investigation into Clinton’s mishandling of classified information and ‘scrubbing’ her personal email server was getting perilously effective, at least in the public’s eye. Americans expected justice at last for “crooked Hillary.”
But, the fix was in. At a DC Press Conference on July 5th last year (2016), FBI Director James Comey, just a few days after Attorney General, Loretta Lynch got caught meeting clandestinely with Bill Clinton in Az., shockingly and peremptorily, announced to the world that no reasonable prosecutor would bring charges against Hillary Clinton because the FBI failed to prove “Intent.” He therefore declared Hillary “acquitted” of all charges, while admitting her actions were “extremely careless.” And, here I always thought it was juries that acquitted defendants if they were found not Guilty. So, by Comey’s definition then, “Intent” is necessary to even charge a violation of a federal crime! It didn’t work for Scooter Libby or General Flynn, did it? The end result was, however, the full court press against Donald Trump, i.e.: the Russian Collusion.
Codification of ‘Intent’ as an issue of guilt, hasn’t been written into law except to show pre-meditation of a crime, often associated with homicides or frauds, when witnesses, usually co-conspirators to that crime, “rat out” the principle to save themselves. So, now we ask why were Cheryll Mills and Uma Abaden interviewed by the FBI without benefit of a Miranda warning, or charged with lying, and why did the FBI destroy their laptop computers? Simple enough, their testimony, and computer evidence, would have proved the premeditation required to show Hillary’s ‘intent.’ For example, if her private email server contained only personal family communications, why did she desperately find it necessary to “scrub” 30,000 messages out of the thing? Thank God for Anthony Weiner’s computer.
So, when something as egregious as Clinton’s criminal actions and cover-ups, i.e.: obstructing justice by destroying evidence and the illegal use of non classified systems, etc., & etc. (without intent), are exposed, it demands investigation and closes the silly argument of “I didn’t mean to” or “I don’t recall” that Liberals and the rich and famous use to exculpate their crimes. At what point in time did the leadership of the FBI and the DoJ, decide that Hillary Clinton had to be saved at all costs? I believe it all started in January, 2008. One wonders too, if Hillary can say she will seek rehabilitation services to save herself? Who offers these wonderful services? Prisons do! The “I didn’t mean it” excuse died with the Third Reich. It didn’t work for the Nazi’s when their only excuse for committing atrocities was “I vas only obeying orders,” were quickly followed by either a thirteen step climb up a scaffold or a firing squad. As we are now learning, It was Hillary Clinton’s machine that created the excuses to ensure she would escape simply because she had no ‘intent.’ Anyway, that’s what FBI Director James Comey told us.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (10Dec17)
Detective Rod Wheeler releases statement concerning the Death of DNC staffer Seth Rich
Featured, News May 22, 2017Former Homicide D.C. Detective Rod Wheeler has released the following statement concerning the death of former DNC staffer Seth Rich. Wheeler, “I am still of the personal opinion that his murder may be tied to his employment.”
**UPDATE 5/23/17 – Rod Wheeler called into our live show this morning on to speak to us about his statement. This is video from that segment:
Rod Wheeler
Washington, DC
May 22, 2017
Statement Regarding the Seth Rich Investigation
To whom this may concern,
In March of 2017, I was introduced by way of a telephone conference call, to Joel Rich, Mary Rich, Aaron Rich and Molly Rich, surviving family members of Seth Rich. Seth Rich was murdered in the District of Columbia in July of 2016.
The Rich’s were aware of my background as a criminal investigator, specifically as a former police homicide investigator. They indicated that they had seen my many appearances on the Fox News Channel commenting and analyzing dozens of criminal cases and have always been impressed by my knowledge and experience.
The Rich’s engaged my services to assist with gathering information and evidence, in an effort to try to assist the Metropolitan Police Department identify the person(s) responsible for the murder of Seth.
Recently, there has been much discussion in the national media surrounding my revelation that I believe that Seth’s death could be possibly linked to his former employment at the DNC, or with relationships with others connected to his employment. I am still of the personal opinion that his murder may be tied to his employment.
Currently I am prohibited to go into any detail surrounding my investigation and its findings. However, I do want to say this:
Since accepting the request of the Rich family to assist them in this investigation, I have always been focused on one thing, and one thing only; finding out who is responsible for the death of Seth. I feel as if I was making good progress and getting very close to developing a motive. Further, I can say that I have developed what I believe to be persons of interest, that I essentially would like to talk to further regarding information that they may have surrounding Seth’s death. I am of the personal opinion that the information/article reported by FoxNews Channel last Tuesday was essentially correct and worthy of further investigation. That is exactly why when I first learned of this new information developed by a FoxNews investigative journalist, I immediately called the DC Police to inform them.
The homicide detective unit at the Metropolitan Police Department has recently reached out to me to visit with them and exchange information surrounding the case. I believe that under the direction of Chief Peter Newsham, the Metropolitan Police Department is very capable of solving this and other murders in the District of Columbia. However, for them to be successful in this investigation, there can be no influence or interference whatsoever from others outside the department…period.
Finally, by way of this statement, I humbly ask the Rich family to please allow me to release either my full report or a summary thereof of my findings up to date, with regards to the investigation. Before release, I would be happy to redact the names and addresses of all persons mentioned in the report.
I wish the Rich family the very best and sincere hope that the person(s) responsible for causing the death of Seth, is soon brought to justice.
For further information, please contact my legal advisor Larry Friedman at 972-788-1400, [email protected]
Rod Wheeler
Washington, DC
Another Reason I Despise Democrats – They Don’t Like Guns
Opinion October 3, 2018Schumer: “If you believe Dr. Ford, then Kavanaugh is Guilty!” “This man does not belong on the
Supreme Court,” I heard no such remarks from any Democrat about Bill Clinton’s victims or that
he should remain President. Soviet show trials started that way. An accusation made was proof
enough of guilt. Stalin made the accusation and to save time the accused went straight to the
firing squad. That’s what Democrats want. That’s a reason why I despise Democrats.
We have fallen victim to overuse of the term “Double Standard” that our betters, Hillary Clinton,
Loretta Lynch, Obama, Dianne Feinstein, et. al.., are not responsible for their crimes because
“they meant well” or “didn’t intend to.” We’ve heard “Double Standards” so often and seen it in
action that even talking about it deadens our senses because while we know it’s true we also
see that nothing is ever done about it. Case in point, the Kavanaugh show trial.
Democrats are fixated on their end goal, the Socialization of America. That plan includes
population control but, instead of pogoms and mass starvation of the middle class (kulaks) like
the Soviet Bolsheviks did, Democrats are content to allow the death camps of Planned
Parenthood to murder vast numbers of little citizens for them.
I had long entertained the idea that the Democrats, shocked beyond belief when Trump
defeated Hillary in 2016, remained in their continued meltdown because of Trump Derangement
Syndrome. Then it occurred to me that the vehemence of this dastardly attack against Judge
Kavanaugh went far beyond merely trying to thwart Trump’s destruction of the Deep State, but
because Kavanaugh himself portends a singular threat to their plans to overcome America.
It all falls to Kavanaugh’s dissenting decision as a Judge on the DC Circuit Court of Appeals,
against the Washington DC council’s rules imposing firearms restrictions on the citizens of
Wash. DC. The issue passed and in its appeal to the Supreme Court, it was Judge Kavanaugh’s
written dissent, almost in its entirety, that the Supreme Court used in striking down the DC
restrictions as unconstitutional, ergo, Kavanaugh remains a clear and present danger to the
safe establishment of a Socialist Soviet style state. Democrats are absolutely despicable.
Our elite leaders, who firmly believe they serve as our betters, especially the despicable
Democrats, actually despise us. They hate us beyond imagination because enough of us won’t
swallow the crap they’ve been shoveling out to move their plans forward. They want to remain
the “Elites” with all the perks that come with it and as long as Americans remain armed and
ready to defend themselves, their plans to disarm and socialize Americans cannot proceed.
Squatting in the political shadows pretending they too can be counted among the ranks of our
betters are several really stupid congressmen and women. They identify themselves every time
they open their mouths but, to avoid confusion they are Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Watters, Shirley
Jackson Lee, Hank Johnson and others. They make all Democrats look despicable.
It’s sad for the nation but I suspect from now on it will take people with supreme grace, strength
of will, stern resolve and rhinoceros hides to even consider wanting to stand for high public
office. Trump is certainly one and now so too is Judge Kavanaugh. The stable of Republican
contenders suffers a paucity of likely candidates and many know it. That’s why losers like John
Kasich and even Jeff Flake entertain the notion they can run for president in 2020 and defeat
Tumps. These are really stupid people too!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (02Oct18)
Short Takes – Treachery Rewarded?
Opinion November 10, 2017Deep within the hidden recesses of the Pentagon, lurks a nondescript DoD group called the Joint Personnel Recovery Agency, the lead agency apparently, for interviewing recovered, rescued or deserter prisoners of war, and other captives.
Among their latest achievements, is realizing the fall out gathered from interviews (interrogations?) of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. A lead representative of that group,Terrance Russell, gave evidence at Bergdahl’s sentencing that the deserter/traitor provided a “gold mine” of useful intelligence about the militants who held him captive for years in Pakistan. Well, so did Mata Hari!
Russell testified that Bergdahl’s decision to abandon his post in 2009 produced an unintended consequence, by revealing the tactics used by the Taliban, their methods of imprisoning captured soldiers and, presumably, their own interview techniques. As a result, military doctrine on how to avoid capture and evade, and escape if captured, was updated.
I wonder at what point, after Bergdahl’s return in Obama’s infamous trade deal, did the “interrogations” of Bergdahl cease and the thrust change to “interviews” by Russell’s JPRA group? Because of the seriousness of Bergdahl’s offense any interrogations would be under Miranda warning as criminal. So, who decided to cease ‘Interrogations’ for criminal offenses in favor of ‘interviews’ simply to update military doctrine on escape and evasion? Has justice really been served? I ask because in my twenty-one years career as a military CE/CI/Criminal investigator, we had to be sensitive to the direction any investigation could take. In Bowe Bergdahl’s case, his desertion directly caused the deaths and injuries of other US soldiers.
Russell, whose group produces training and doctrine materials, testified that “Bergdahl’s debriefing added to lessons taught to US troops and allied militaries,” adding that Bergdahl still has intelligence that has yet to be collected that could still help troops in Afghanistan. Of course, now it’s too late. Bergdahl will be on the run hiding from the retribution that will seek him out.
I’m not faulting Terrance Russell or his information collection group for doing their jobs. His work helps keep military field doctrine up to date. It’s a necessary element of theater survival that all troops need to know. Russell’s enthusiasm for doing his job properly is also revealed when he said: “can you give him to me now? I need him now. I needed him three years ago,” “The fact I can’t get that information is wrong.” Russell testified that he had debriefed more than 120 American captives, more than any other US official….Source: Washington Post. 31Oct17 .
The defense appeared to use testimony from Russell and a former Defense Intelligence Agency analyst, to suggest that there is a national security interest in showing Bergdahl leniency. US
Army Col. Jeffery R. Nance, the presiding judge, apparently thought that Bergdahl’s potential punishment, life imprisonment, was simply too much for this army snowflake as he had already suffered enough under the Taliban.
So, the rehabilitation of Bowe Bergdahl, who pleaded guilty Oct. 16 to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy begins. However, there is another unintended consequence: the resentment remains and will fester. How does injustice match resentment? By what remaining Obama values are soldiers to be assuaged of Bergdahl’s crimes? When did mistreatment by the enemy mitigate justifiable punishment of an offenders true crimes? Don’t you wonder too?
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (08Nov2017)
Kasich’s Attacks Continue
Opinion December 3, 2018A perennial GOP wanna-be presidential hopeful, John Kasich tells us: “Every day there is chaos coming
out of Washington and the Trump White House. It’s diminishing our American values, threatening our
international alliances and resulting in few policy accomplishments for the American people. Enough is
enough. It’s time for us all – as Americans to put aside the party politics and work together to face our
greatest challenges.”
I want to try to decipher what the estimable John Kasich thinks he means: First, “chaos” is a word which,
in its negative connotation, basically describes the violent collapse of societies. Now, only the Democrats
are in a state of violent hysterical collapse. But, once started, lurking within its violence, old scores are
settled, revenge meted out, hatreds revealed and destruction of property becomes the rule of the day.
Actually, Chaos is anarchy as Kasich sees it but we’re not there yet, except Portland and Baltimore.
Chaos is part of the necessary cleansing feature when societies attempt to reestablish order and
authority. I didn’t say ‘lawful order’ because as we learned from Lenin’s Bolshevik revolution that
overthrew Czarist Russia and the National Socialists that suborned then lawfully displace the decrepit
Weirder Republic of post WW1 Germany, we see two examples of Socialism’s chaotic roadmap to
achieve leadership by tyranny. Excuses for these revolutions will vary.
Kasich say’s the “chaos” comes out of Washington and the White House. Washington is a broad brush
word that covers a multitude of sins but, by saying ‘White House,’ he directly means president Trump.
Kasich hates President Trump because of Trumps accomplishes and, he’s mean. By Trump’s frontal
attacks against the open enemies of American, the socialist embedded within the Democrat party and the
their policies that fail the test of Constitutionalism, reveals the real chaos Kasich talks about. Trump has
been a huge success. John Kasich, nor any other Republican, could never do that. Kasich is part of the
problem, a uni-party deep-state advocate.
John K. believes the ‘chaos’ he mentions is “diminishing our American values.” Well, what are those
American values he envisions? I don’t know but, clearly the voters who put Trump in office wanted a
restoration of our liberties, and a reduction of Obama’s onerous and economically regulation state that
nearly crushed American progress under the heels of totalitarian incompetency where nothing works but
government. Trump has done that!
John also said: Trump “was threatening our international alliances resulting in few policy
accomplishments by the American people.” First, what foreign policy accomplishment did Obama make?
Actually, there’s not enough space left here to list Trump’s accomplishments. In only two years he has
eliminated NAFTA and the TPP, challenged China’s economic espionage, confronted our disjointed
immigration polices, and did so by using means that remain mysteries to the likes of politicians like John
Kasich. John wants us to “put aside party politics (and) work together to face our greatest challenges.”
That’s an easy one. As I see it, we have two competing policies, one of good and one of evil. What John
means here is “bipartisanship” by which definition Democrats means we capitulate to them, always.
What are our “greatest challenges?” Well, people like Kasich is a good example of a pitiful challenge, but
restoring America constitutionalism, the rule of law, removing the corruptive issues of big money, re-
establishing trust in the election process and cleansing out the RiNO’s still sucking the life blood out of the
party is really our biggest challenge, John doesn’t think so. He wants to save it.
Locally, here in my county in Georgia’s 9th congressional district, my sources tell me of troubles in our
once solid Republican party. “The recent meetings of the local GOP, he said, reflect the disunity of the
Republican party nationally, with internal accusations of who’s doing the most to support our elections,
etc. They’re the same few folks at the party meeting (locally)…maybe 10 of the old guard…while the local
Democratic party is growing and seems enthusiastic. I have no doubt that Georgia will be “blue” after the next state-wide elections, even without the current vote maneuvering.” Continuing, he said: “Someone
mentioned a while back that the Republican lawmakers really don’t care who controls the legislative
branches of government; they each have their funding sources and will play to those interests to keep
their positions….or if they have enough time in service, will retire and become a lobbyist.” And that my friends highlights our biggest problem. We have too many professional politicians, citizens who made
promises to get elected, then succumbed to the corrupted call of easy money to join the ranks of the
disciples of the “deep state.”
Politics should not be a career profession and John Kasich, in his pleading diatribe against Donald Trump
should realize that and go run a lawn and garden center somewhere where manure speak is understood
and acceptable. In the end, John Kasich is a “squabbler” not a fighter. He can’t compare with Trump in
real competition with America’s enemies or match Trump’s accomplishments.
Finally, this from a fan in Nevada: “Damn Republicans want to be known as “gentlemen” and have no
balls. When ignorant idiots like Crooked Hillary, Pelosi, Chuckie, and of course, Maxine Waters make
stupid statements the RNC should run commercials non-stop showing how truly ignorant and out of touch
with reality they are. But the RNC, which is always chaired by a spineless jerk will never do so as they
have no guts to do so. Fight fire with fire I say. Will never happen.”
President Harry Truman said: “Give it to them hard and straight and they’ll remember you!”
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (01Sec18)