Collins Voices Disappointment Over USDA’s Rejection of Poultry Petition
Business January 31, 2018Collins Voices Disappointment Over USDA’s Rejection of Poultry Petition
WASHINGTON—Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) released the following statement in response to the Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) rejection of a petition to increase line speeds in first-processing zones, where workers inspect—but do not disarticulate—birds undergoing automated cleaning:
“Evidence demonstrates that higher line speeds can preserve and even promote both worker and food safety, and I appreciate the USDA’s recognition of data indicating that inspectors can conduct effective inspections at line speeds of up to 175 birds per minute. While I am disappointed in the decision to deny the petition and the request for uncapped line speeds that would increase the competitiveness of America’s poultry industry with countries that allow higher line speeds, the USDA has committed to establishing a process to grant individual waivers for more efficient line speeds. I look forward to learning more details about the criteria necessary for these waivers and am hopeful that this will enable domestic poultry producers to foster safer, streamlined operations that benefit workers and consumers.”
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