Clyde & Gurtler Debate LIVE July 17th 8pm on

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Watch Georgia’s 9th Congressional District Republican Debate LIVE!

Georgia 9th Congressional District Republican Primary runoff will be August 11th 2020.  Watch tonight as
runoff candidates Matt Gurtler and Andrew Clyde will be joining #BKP LIVE on the evening! Friday, July 17 @ 8 p.m.
TUNE in to see where your candidate stands on issues facing the district.
Click on to watch LIVE at 8pm or download our app
L-R Georgia’s Congressional 9th District Republican Candidates
Andrew Clyde                               Matt Gurtler

Collins urges Windstream to provide increased access to rural broadband

Press Release, State & National

GAINESVILLE, Ga. — Reps. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), Austin Scott (R-Ga.), and Sanford Bishop (D-Ga.) today sent a letter to Windstream underscoring the importance of providing increased access to broadband – particularly in rural areas – in the midst of COVID-19.

“As representatives of thousands of Windstream customers, we write today regarding the impact coronavirus has had on broadband access in rural communities throughout Georgia,” they wrote. “In the past, we have written to you regarding the inadequate internet service our constituents are receiving despite your company’s acceptance of federal dollars to expand access. While we know Windstream has upgraded some areas that are more populated and less rural, many of our constituents continue to struggle with poor broadband speeds.”

For years, Windstream customers across Georgia have consistently struggled to gain access to reliable broadband speeds. Congress has taken significant steps toward expanding rural broadband infrastructure in recent years, including securing federal funding to providers in rural areas. However, some carriers – like Windstream – have failed to provide adequate broadband speeds to consumers despite collecting taxpayer dollars. As this pandemic is forcing more and more Georgians to rely on the internet, access to reliable broadband is more critical than ever before.

“Due to the coronavirus outbreak, thousands of Georgians are being forced to work, learn, and recreate from home. This undoubtedly has increased the strain on the networks your consumers depend upon. Over the past several years, we have heard complaints of a network that is overburdened and cannot keep up during peak use. Even though we have been calling for increased internet access in rural areas for years, this moment in time shows that Windstream has yet to meet the mark.”

Read the full letter here.



According to the news media, no one likes Trump. Women hate Trump, African
Americans hate Trump, Latinos and on and on it goes.

That is why it is strange when the news shows a Trump Rally.

The arena is packed cheek by jowl in supporters. All are waving signs like Women for Trump,
Blacks for Trump etc. Outside the administration has to put up big screens like at a rock concert
for the overflow of people who will not fit in the venue.

In fact, for the Cruz rally in Texas, President Trump had to move to a larger event center in order
to accommodate the “unprecedented demand for tickets.

Of course, no one does size like Texas, but the rally filled the Toyota Center in Houston and had
a huge tailgate/picnic of followers outside watching the screens.

If it is as Rosie O’Donnell says and these people are paid to attend, that must get pretty pricey.
(I have attended one of his rallies. I didn’t get a dime. I did get harassed by the protestors of
which the police politely watched. Later, I listened to the evening news and learned that there
were copious quantities of protestors and very few attendees to the rally. I saw about 150
protestors and the venue was full in every seat, plus the open floor was crammed with people as

Those two who will not go away, the also-rans, Obama and Southern border have had less
success in drawing a crowd lately.

In September, even in liberal California, Obama was only able to draw seven hundred and fifty
people to his ant-Trump rally in Anaheim.

Yes, a long time ago, before the public realized that he was smooth talking, treacherous, empty
promises, bag of wind, Obama could also draw quite a few people. Actions, which always speak
louder than words, must have betrayed him and perhaps his base has fled to the new prosperity
that America is enjoying now.

Hillary never could fill a venue when she was running for president anyway. The photographers
had to push all the people into a corner at times to get a shot of a “crowd.

The media is in constant denial of the obvious difference in the number of people who are drawn
to these rallies.

Last Tuesday, the day after a Trump rally, CNN was running a tape that read,” Trump tells lies
and spreads fear before the election.”

Trump was referring to a “caravan” of about 5000 or so people headed for out Southern border.
So far, the group has grown in size exponentially. They have crashed through the borders of
Guatemala and Mexico. The governments there seem unable to stop them.

Trump suggests that perhaps the Democrats and George Soros had something to do with the
funding of the mass of people. That is his supposed “lie.”

However, it gives all the appearance of being a true statement.

Has anyone heard the first word or peep from the Democrats against this invasion?


It is not a caravan of poor immigrants, humbly seeking asylum in order to be free.
No, when a foreign body comes bearing the flag of their country, cursing the President saying
“f*** Trump” to reporters and demanding entrance, it is an INVASION!”

These people appear well fed, they are clean and well dressed. They are purchasing merchandise
like televisions and food along the way. They are being bussed and given transport.
Where is all the money coming from to finance this venture?

The President has said he will deport regular troops to the border if necessary to stop these
people from coming across our borders.

All the bleeding heart liberals are complaining and wanting to be compassionate. They say the
President doesn’t have the right to deploy troops in defense of the border.
This is incorrect!

In 1952, The Immigration and Nationality Act was passed by Congress, clause 2012 of this bill
gives the President the power to use US troops as necessary to keep foreigners out of the United

It is the primary responsibility of the President to protect the citizens of the United States.

It is rumored that criminals and others with a nefarious agenda are numbered among the group
moving to the border.

If the Mexican government fails to stop this flow of people, President Trump will have no choice
but to stop it with force.

Other than Nancy Pelosi and some of her minions, most people want this surge stopped.

The United States cannot support the world or allow people who are either up to no good, or just
want a free ride to destroy our economy and nation.

FYN Interviews Rebbeca Yardley on Georgia’s 2018 Sine Die – Last Day of Legislative Session

Politics, State & National

It’s Sine Die day, that means it’s the last day of the 2018 Legislative Session! Interviews First Vice Chairman of Georgia Congress 9th District GOP Rebecca Yardley on the experience and what to expect from the Georgia Capitol today!


No Apologies, Sir


Dear President Trump. Most of us, your base, absolutely understand that former Sen. John
McCain didn’t like you personally or your presidency either for that matter and often worked
hand in hand with Democrats, to thwart your initiatives to drain the swamp.

Consequently, we are not distressed that your tepid demonstration of respect on the occasion of
his death, even with the screaming media challenging your personal ethics on the matter, was
limited to perfunctory homilies about his years of public service or the flag issue. We got that!
McCain had his own baggage to carry and most of us know about that too.

So, we entreat you not to lose sight of what’s really going on here, another excuse for the Left
wing-nuts of the media to attack you on points of minutia to stop you before you finish your
important task of draining the swamp. That’s what it’s all about and nothing more.

John McCain has his place in history, militarily, politically and family and except for his
unfortunate individual experiences as a POW, and his painful method of death, he is basically
no different than anyone else who served in uniform, or out, and left a record of that service.

Sen McCain’s best friend in the Senate, his cohort in progressivism disguised as compassionate
conservatism, was Ted Kennedy, arguably the most dangerous politician this side of the
Clintons, to wield power in America. He too was called home with the same malady that claimed
Sen McCain. So are many others.

Kennedy proudly carried the label the “Lion of the Senate!” But who remembers him any more
except for the bridge he didn’t cross? John McCain loved the moniker “the Maverick,” and all
we’ll remember of him is that he was a naval aviator shot down over Vietnam and became a
POW. Some other former POW’s of that conflict have a different opinion of McCain’s heroism in
captivity. We don’t know because most of us weren’t there. We only know what has been sifted
through the organs of the Main Stream Media and regurgitated out to us for our benefit.

Sen. McCain, the once darling of the press, ran as a Republican for President. As a “Maverick,”
the press loved him and doted on his every utterance, until his Democratic presidential
opponent, a talentless half-black “community organizer” with no special accomplishments and
no traceable history, was raised up out of the primal mud of the Chicago political swamp,
financed by Soros and supported by a convicted terrorist bomber, now a college professor.

Like Sauron, the Dark Lord of Mordor, Barak Hussein Obama, with the enthusiastic guidance of
the Orc’s of the Left-wing media, the socialist dominated Democrat party, Unions, and the
propaganda of Liberal university professors, started to fundamentally reorganize America in
Sauron’s image, to create a dark forbidding place, like Cuba and Venezuela for us to abide in.

Where was John McCain? Protecting his self-interest by frequently siding with the dark forces
that were then totally running the government. Where was he when the voters, in successive
elections, returned control of both houses of Congress to Republicans? He still stood like a
“Maverick,” impeding the flow to true American Constitutionalism, respect for America’s history,
its culture and its amazing accomplishments. I cannot fault Donald Trump at all. Trump will be
remembered in the end and John McCain, like Ted Kennedy, will simply be shelved and

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get’m! (28Aug18)

All-Star Political Panel with Bruce, Rick, BKP, and Jane


Today the All-Star Panel covered a wide range of topics: failed Obama-care, John McCain, Jeff Sessions, and the President’s speech to the boy scouts just to name a few. The panel was divided on a couple of the topics today which doesn’t happen often. Listen in to hear what topics they were not all in agreement on. To join the All-Star Political Panel come up to Sycamore Crossing every Friday morning at 8:45 am.

Congressman Collins Votes to Repeal Obamacare, Sending Health Bill to Senate

Featured, Politics

WASHINGTON—The House today passed H.R. 1628, the American Health Care Act(AHCA). The bill repeals the individual and employer mandates of 2010’s Affordable Care Act as well as $1 trillion in Obamacare taxes.

Congressman Doug Collins (R-Ga.) released the following statement in response to the bill’s passage:

“For seven years, I have watched Obamacare afflict my neighbors with soaring insurance costs and narrowing health care options. Obamacare shattered the insurance market, and Americans now struggle first to afford insurance and then to find providers that accept it.

“Obamacare saddled businesses and individuals with mandates that robbed them of their freedom to choose health care options that make sense for them. Our families, our workers and our economy have born the weight of bureaucratized medicine for too long. The American Health Care Act removes that burden and demands compassion for both the healthy and vulnerable, the born and the unborn.

“I have seen the grief that Obamacare has brought to northeast Georgians and have worked for my entire tenure in Congress to repeal this destructive law. Republicans promised to repeal Obamacare, and the House voted to keep that promise today. I agree with the President’s call this week for us to repeal Obamacare now, and I look forward to the Senate’s getting to work on this crucial bill.”

Additionally, this legislation returns to states the flexibility they need to serve their communities. The AHCA provides more generous Medicaid reimbursements for elderly and disabled enrollees while Obamacare prioritized able-bodied individuals over disabled Americans by assigning proportionately more Medicaid dollars to the healthy. It establishes a federal invisible risk sharing program to stabilize insurance markets, lower premiums and protect individuals with pre-existing conditions.

The AHCA represents the first major entitlement reform in U.S. history by ending Medicaid’s expansion while shoring up the program for the disabled and elderly Americans it was meant to serve.

This legislation also defunds Planned Parenthood.

What Does the Future Bode?


What Does the Future Bode?

The 116th Congress has been sworn in; it’s leadership in serious doubt and its mission, from the Democrat standpoint, confused. It will be a contentious two years. Nancy Pelosi’s place in history, despite the fact she’s’ a dedicated unAmerican Progressive bordering on dementia, is secure. History will reflect she was the first Female House Speaker and the first female elected twice to that position. To be kind to her true but sad legacy, commendations will end there.

Our federal government stands exposed for what it really is, a criminal enterprise operating under the auspices of big business, big government, big banks and, war; always ready for war. That drives the fear that keeps government in operation. All is protected by the now exposed corrupted apparatus of the Deep State, the IRS, the DoJ and the FBI.”

We must seriously forget thinking in terms of Republican vs. Democrat but in terms of ‘Them vs Us,’ us being the “deplorable’s” they so desperately want to rule over. Romney’s recent op-ed remarks made that perfectly clear. Is he one of them or one of us? He’s as corrupt as the rest of ‘em!  Romney focused on form and style not a word on what needs to be done. The American people see Trump for exactly what he is, a do’er who does what he said and gets the things done that needed to be done, like reversing the Progressive agenda the Left labors to preserve.

With political corruption comes the seeds of elitism, implanted into politician who, because he or she has been re-elected time and time again assumes they are better than the voters who put them there and deserve, because of their longevity, to retain the reins of power, even to the point of denying their election losses. That’s why Nancy Pelosi is House Speaker again, despite being a near dimwit, and why she has come to believe she stands as a co-equal with President Trump, clear evidence of her oncoming dementia.

Presently, the Nancy Pelosi refuses to fund a secure border. Five billion dollars funds our government for a day, but naturally, to do so would be giving a political victory to Trump and that they  can’t abide. She’s trying to dampen down Democrat talks of “impeachment” because there is noting there to impeach him for. They’ll wait for the Mueller Report, which I predict will be a twenty pound tome of unprovable BS that Democrats will use to halt all legislative progress.

The new Congress, filled with young new Democrats, poses a problem. The fake news media focuses on the loudest, most flamboyant and really, the stupidest of the new members, Socialist all, who rant on about issues and policies that will never leave the House, let alone be considered in the Senate. The political stalemate is quickly degenerating into a carnival side show for entertainment purposes only. No legislation can possibly come from that quarter.

But also, amongst the newly minted Democrat congressperson’s are CIA and military combat veterans. Why they are Democrats remains a mystery, but the ones I’ve heard speak have not been tainted with the poison of socialism and actually fit better into the old Democrat party’s demographics we once knew and loved so well. I thought I heard a Scoop Jackson today!

But, alas, the House still has its old, decrepit, ignorant, intellectual illuminaries like Maxine Waters to chair the House Finance Committee, Hank, “won’t the Island tip over” Johnson, Sheila Jackson Lee and a few others who, because of their notoriety, or is it possibly their stupidity, find microphones shoved into their faces so they can pontificate on how awful Trump is. It’s time to rearrange our priorities, especially if the GOP intends to remain a viable political party. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em.

Our Revolution Georgia Endorses Joshua McCall in Bid to Unseat Congressman Doug Collins

State & National

(Martin, Georgia) – Monday, January 22nd, the statewide Georgia affiliate of Our Revolution, the organization created to continue pushing the policy goals of the Bernie Sanders Presidential Campaign, endorsed Joshua McCall in his bid to unseat Congressman Doug Collins in the Georgia 9th Congressional District. His candidacy will now be passed up to the national organization for consideration.


“I’m running for congress for two reasons. First, Bernie Sanders’ grassroots organization inspired me to examine what forces were limiting political possibilities in our country. I realized, unfortunately, that many of those forces were in the party that I belonged to,” said Candidate Joshua McCall.


He continued, “I’m also running because parts of our government are dangerously close to fascism. Branches of it prey on racial fears and offer simple solutions through state violence. I am running not only to unseat Doug Collins, but in the process speak to the people of this district and unite them behind a Christian and humanist ethic.”


McCall joins Savannah based candidate Lisa Ring as the only currently endorsed congressional candidates in the state. The endorsement includes volunteer coordination and the possibility of national endorsement and fundraising.


Our Revolution Georgia State Committee Member, Vice President of the Young Democrats of Georgia, Hall County Board of Elections Member, and former candidate for State House Michelle Sanchez Jones said of the endorsement, “the Republican Party has purported to represent North Georgia for a generation now, and, outside of the Governor’s backyard, we deserve more from our government. Our hospitals need more money. Our classrooms need more teachers. We need the tools to help those struggling with opioid addiction. The burden of supporting our communities falls disproportionately on our churches and faith institutions. It’s time we got our money’s worth from Washington, and Joshua McCall is exactly the man to help make that happen.”



Background: Consideration of endorsement by the national organization requires prior endorsement from a local affiliate. Our Revolution has numerous affiliates throughout the state whose leadership jointly approve endorsements – with deference given to the chapter closest to the district in question. McCall’s endorsement represents the agreement of affiliates and leadership from Savannah to Atlanta, Athens to Henry County.


Georgia issues same drivers license to illegal aliens with deferred deportation as legal immigrants: DDS policy should be changed in 2018 Georgia legislative session


By Jeff Jones

Most thinking Georgians will no doubt agree that only illegal aliens require classification as “deferred action on deportation” or who may be under deportation orders from the federal government.

Most Georgians will be surprised to learn that Georgia’s Department of Drivers Services (DDS), the agency responsible for our driving and ID credentials, has issued, renewed or replaced more than 50,000 driver’s licenses and/or official state ID Cards to illegal aliens. These illegal aliens have either “deferred action on deportation” proceedings or are already under federal deportation orders. And that issuance of these official state documents is perfectly legal under current federal and state law.

Surprisingly, the 2005 federal REAL ID Act, passed after the horror of 9/11 says that states can optionally issue drivers licenses to illegals with “deferred action on deportation” and that the feds will allow this ID to be used to board airliners. The law says that “deferred action” is “evidence of lawful status” for federal acceptance of driver’s licenses as an official ID. The REAL ID Act guidelines from the feds are merely minimum requirements and standards for federal recognition – not legal requirements.

Georgia state law currently also allows “deferred action” illegals to get an official Georgia driver’s license and ID card. Surprisingly, but factually, Georgia has more illegals than Arizona.

In 2012 the Associated Press ran a news article headlined “Some illegal immigrants can get Georgia drivers licenses” explaining Georgia’s California-like situation. But, if you call your local DDS office, you will be told in – no uncertain terms – that “Georgia does not issue drivers licenses or ID Cards to illegal or undocumented immigrants.” Confusing, isn’t it? Many Georgia legislators think DDS should try harder to explain this scenario and how it is that DDS is issuing driver’s licenses to illegals.

Again, federal law does not say we must issue drivers licenses and ID cards to deferred action illegals. Instead, each state has the right to decide to whom it issues drivers licenses or ID Cards. And, importantly, Georgia officials also have the right to decide on the physical appearance of these credentials.

This brings me to the fact that the drivers licenses and ID Cards Georgia’s DDS gives to illegal aliens with “deferred action on deportation” are exactly like the ones we issue to legal immigrants, student visa holders and guest workers such as Mercedes Benz and KIA executives here from Germany and Korea, all who entered the United States legally.

This policy can and must be changed.

Georgia has the choice to issue a driver’s license to those with deferred action that will still allow them to drive, but that does not fit the federal requirements to be used as “ID for federal purposes” – like boarding an airliner or entering a federal building. And we can – and I firmly believe we must – change the appearance of these credentials so that no one will mistake the holder for a legal immigrant or a legitimate guest worker here on a legal temporary visa.

Currently at least two states, California and Michigan, issue multiple tiers of drivers licenses. The lower tiers are not recognized as federally approved ID and cannot be used as such. But the bearer can still drive.

I would use Mexico as another example here but Mexico does not allow any illegal aliens to obtain any type of driver’s license.

Georgia already issues a distinctly different driver’s license to young Americans that is vertically oriented and clearly marked “under 21.”

Realizing the United States is not going to be as strict as Mexico, Georgia should issue a vertically oriented ID, like we do for young drivers, to illegals with “deferred action on deportation” or who have been ordered deported, despite that the feds say we are not required to do so.

My bill, HB 484, pending in the Georgia Gold Dome requires DDS to end its current practice and to replace the driving and ID credentials now issued to illegal aliens with a vertically oriented, brightly colored card. This new ID card is designed to make it unmistakably and visually clear that the bearer is not a legal immigrant and that the ID is not acceptable for federal ID purposes. It would look something like the mock up pictured here.

Georgians will also be surprised to learn that many state legislators are not well educated on this topic. Because I introduced this measure late in the 2017 session, it has not had a committee hearing and is in need of legislative co-sponsors. Readers who agree this idea adds some sanity to our driver’s license and ID Card integrity should ask their House member to sign on as co-sponsors and support my bill, HB 484. This is vitally important for the State of Georgia.


Jeff Jones (R) D167, is a second term Georgia State Representative. He can be contacted at: [email protected]; (404) 565-0177

Dent Retirement a Sign of Trump Wave in ‘18?

Politics, State & National

Amidst all the talk among Democrats and the Media that the Trump election and presidency is a one off that will soon be remedied by a Democrat wave — there is actually evidence to suggest that just the opposite will ring true in 2018. For example, look at upstart Pennsylvania Congressional candidate Justin Simmons, who is running to be the GOP nominee in the 15th District. Simmons, 31, currently represents PA State House District 131 and was planning to mount a Conservative challenge to seven term incumbent Rep. Charlie Dent in the Spring 2018 Primary. That was until Dent abruptly announced his retirement, opening the door for 35 year old Ryan Mackenzie to enter the now open race, a race that could prove to be a battle between conflicting wings of the Republican Party.

Simmons recently called in to FYNTV’s Good Morning from the Office for an exclusive interview regarding his initial decision to run, the surprise of Dent’s retirement, and the differences between himself and Mackenzie.

Simmons made it clear from the beginning that his motivation to run was the dissatisfaction among Conservatives in the 15th District with Dent, as evidenced by the recent rally in protest of the seven term Congressman. According to Simmons, “just his voting record alone is bad enough… then going on MSNBC, CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times… being the go to Republican to rip Donald Trump and Conservatives,” had angered voters in the district won by both Donald Trump and Charlie Dent. However, Dent had spoken out aggressively against Trump during the campaign, refusing to endorse him and frequently criticizing him after his inauguration.

“I was never fully on board with Charlie, I always knew he was pro-choice and supported taxpayer funded abortion… but he was fiscally Conservative at first,” said Simmons, adding “as time went on he just got more Liberal.”

The news of Dent’s sudden announcement to retire was a surprise to the Simmons team, although he insists they were “ecstatic” and this it was a “victory” because it creates a chance to elect a Conservative representative. However, it has created a brand new dynamic with the entry of Mackenzie, setting up a race described by The Morning Call as a “Hatfield’s and McCoy’s race” between what they described as two longtime rivals. Although Simmons dismissed the “Hatfield’s and McCoy’s” comparison he did elaborate on what he sees as the differences between him and the only other declared candidate.

Ryan and I have worked together on a lot of good issues. The difference between Ryan and I, is Ryan is establishment and I am not. I got my foray into politics by taking on a Liberal Republican, I took on the party and I took on the establishment. Ryan Mackenzie, he came into politics, his Dad was the former chair of the party, he was very connected. When he first ran for State House in the 134th District… there was a special election and the party hierarchy greased the skids for Ryan, they cleared the field in the special election for him, he hasn’t had an opponent since.

Simmons also described Mackenzie as Charlie Dent’s hand picked successor, which means he will be the beneficiary of the PA GOP fundraising network. However, Simmons described it as a negative because it means Mackenzie would be beholden to the moderate Republican structure of the state party and not the Trump Coalition that delivered PA to a Republican presidential candidate for the first time in a generation.

This race will be one of many that pits establishment Republicans against the new, Trump Republicans. In his recent interview with 60 Minutes, former White House strategist Steve Bannon made clear his intentions to target establishment Republicans in the 2018 Primary races. This has already manifested itself in races like the special election for Senate in Alabama, where incumbent Sen. Luther Strange was leading in polling until Bannon endorsed his opponent, former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court Roy Moore.

What’s more, the race in Pennsylvania will pit two millennial candidates, Mackenzie is 35 and Simmons is 31.

You can see Simmons’ entire interview here:

Treachery Knows No Bounds


In light of the failure of a few treacherous Republican Senators to keep their promise to Repeal
Obamacare, Chuckie Schumer, the humorless Democrat party’s main man, has become
edacious in his desire to join hands across the aisle, just like the good ol’ corrupt days, to help
Republicans craft a health care bill acceptable to the him.
A government run single payer health care system has long been the communists end goal for a
completely captured America enslaved by dependency. Several Republican Senators can’t see
that and demand an all or nothing acceptance of their own personal ideas, in effect, keeping
Obamacare. The solution does not lie in accepting the Democrats hand of legislative fellowship.
To do so will be the kiss of death for the GOP. John McCain would do it.
With Democrats, no somnambulism there. Chuckie Schumer all but knocked people over racing
to the podium to humbly make his offer to Mitch McConnell. He is determine to keep the
Democrat party, what’s left of it, alive and functioning and in the public eye until the 2018
elections hopefully, will change the composition of Congress. It won’t! America have thrown off
the yoke of socialism and don’t want it back. The big changes will come with primary challenges
of those treacherous GOP incumbents by real conservatives who will keep their promises.
Democrat Schumer believes, despite election losses since 2012, that the Democrat Party is still
relevant when in fact it is totally discombobulated in the extreme, leaderless at its head, is totally
without vision and so far out of the main stream as to be labeled anachronistic.
There are not enough words to render my disgust of GOP Senatorial perfidy, not even wanting
to have a vote to relieve Americans of the one trillion dollar plus tax burden Obamacare has
imposed is grounds for removal. I reckon the one applicable word is “Trust.” Trust is the life
blood of any organization, it is honor based. The military has it. Soldiers in combat absolutely
must trust their mates right and left, as they do him, to protect the flanks, nor pale in the heat of
battle and be willing to die for each other if necessary. That is the epitome of trust.
The media is not trustworthy. They tossed that away in pursuit of the Left’s agenda. The
Democrats, evidenced by their many election failures, have lost the trust of their constituents
and the Republicans themselves are about to go ‘all in’ in losing its base because they lied and
can no longer claim the trust of their base. Worse, Americans are losing trust in the Federal
government itself, especially the odious apparatus of its regulatory bureaus, its few corrupt law
enforcement agencies and its uncontrolled growth with unbridled power to tax. It’s a wicked
state of affairs indeed.
If Republicans are not to be trusted to keep their promises, then why elect them? Their base,
i.e.: Tea Parties in selected states, are already moving to challenge incumbents who have failed
to keep their promises. It will be a hard fight but any politician who has not kept his promise to
repeal Obamacare will have a hard time defending himself from his/her failure. The National
Republican Senatorial Committee will fund the incumbents so, don’t give them your money.
Give it to your candidate of choice and get involved in the candidate vetting process.
Term limits would have relieved the recalcitrant, feckless Republicans senators of the burden of
indecision. If they can’t make a choice, then why even be there? I suspect for the generous
retirement and the more generous nonObama health care plan? That must be it. Yes!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Rep. Collins: “Speaker Will Keep Us Through Christmas” for Tax Bill

GMFTO, News, Politics

9th Congressional district Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) spoke exclusively to FYNTV on Friday’s edition of Good Morning From the Office. Collins spoke on a multitude of issues, from the executive actions regarding Obamacare, to his personal crusade for adequate internet service and competition in rural Northeast Georgia. However, his remarks regarding tax reform were quite revealing. According to Collins, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) has informed House members that he will keep the House in session, if necessary, throughout the Christmas recess in order to pass tax reform.

The tax question is asked around the 11:00 minute mark of the FULL INTERVIEW below.

BKP: From the House side, will we get tax reform?

Rep. Collins: Yes. I feel very comfortable, in fact, it is the top priority for us in leadership, and the speaker. In fact, the speaker put us on notice yesterday (Thursday) that he would keep us through Christmas or any other holiday to make sure it gets done this year. It was very disturbing to hear some members of the Senate saying “Well, we gotta negotiate, it may be the first of the year” No. It’s time to get behind the American people, time to get behind the President and pass tax reform. It’s way past due.

Lessons From History


An interesting little piece of comparative history is required here. In 1933, almost one month after Herr Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, the German Parliament, the Reichstag, burned to the ground. A young Dutch Communist named Marinus van der Lubbe, was allegedly caught at the fire scene, interrogated, and admitted he set the fire for which admission he was quickly executed. Van der Lubbe also had diminished capacity, mentally. The fire provided the Nazi Party the provocation it needed to round up the usual suspects (Communists) and politically implicate them in a conspiracy to burn the Reichstag. In turn, the Communist claimed the Nazi’s burned it down as a pretext to eliminate the German Communist Party. They may have been right but, like Charlottesville, the animosity only rose to disastrous levels and nobody really knows.

Advance 84 years to Charlottesville, Va. James Alex Fields Jr., a young man of diminished capacity, with a short arrest history of beating his invalid mother, drove his fathers car into a crowd of demonstrators killing one woman and injuring others. He was immediately arrested.

Unlike the New Germany under the rising Nazism of 1933, the real fascists at Charlottesville,Va. were the black clad ‘antifas’ with hoodies and face masks who challenged the few white supremacists idiots there defending the removal of a statue of Robert. E. Lee. Where did the antifa’s come from so quickly? That looks like a similar provocation. Remember, there is nothing new under the sun. History repeats itself, not in exact detail but in method and intents. The Left’s idea is to charge white supremacists with “hate” crimes like Hitler did the German Communists and, as long as the “Left” has the media, they will continue to do so.

Herr Hitler wanted a Nazi Germany legally elected by popular vote and, regardless of his
methods, he got it. He wanted to abolish democracy legally, under German law, and when President, Von Hindenburg died, he got that too. Germany officially and legally became a fascist state under National Socialism with Herr Hitler as its leader. We know the end result. It took a then non involved America to get involved and help the allies defeat the fascist Axis. The Democrat Party, long ago suborned by the Communist/Socialist Party USA, saw that and realized that America’s quick ability to rally against fascism in WW2 had to be neutralize today.

That’s when the those old “Yellow-dog Democrats” started quitting the party and become Republicans. Yet, Democrats, still feasting off the image of FDR, maintained an electoral hold over Americans until Reagan. Until then, the Democrat party worked to suborn America and recreate it into a new socialist image and, there has been turmoil ever since.

The one big difference between America under years of Democrat political hegemony and Germany under Naziism, is that Americans had a 2nd Amendment and still do, a danger to fascism that must be eliminated at all costs. They keep trying.

Now, a non-political but totally Nationalistic figure to an extreme, Donald Trump, is President and promising to destroy all that work the Left has done to prevent America from ever again being strong enough to stop fascism. Now we have it openly on our own streets, coming from the left under the guise of Vigilantism, demanding changes that the vote can’t get for them. If they can’t change it, destroy it; demonize real American Nationalism as a remnant of Confederate White Supremacy, but destroy it so they can move on to their One World Socialist Order.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!



By: Candace Hardin


The 2016 election saw around 60 million people voting for Donald J. Trump for President.

All of his rallies show huge arenas packed cheek by jowl with supporters, as well as an equally
large crowd of enthusiasts outside of the building, watching screens set up for these people’s
viewing of the President and to hear his speech.

Voters turned out in record numbers to keep support for the current administration in the
midterm elections, gaining seats in the Senate, and only losing a few in Congress.
Unfortunately, the few gained seats in Congress caused a majority for Democrats, but, this
administration lost the least amount of seats in either house during a midterm election in about
one hundred years.

It is obvious that President Trump has a good base of support with the people.
There will be new people in Congress and the Senate.

One of those people will be Senator Mitt Romney, supposed Republican of Utah, also known as
Miss Also Ran in 2012.

Make the “L” sign with thumb and forefinger as you remember how he was a real wuss with
Barack Obama, preferring not to hit hard on the shortcomings of his opposition, pussyfooting
around and being polite. This caused him to lose his presidential bid, and be a loser. By refusing
to be tough, he let everyone who pinned their hopes on him down.

Romney feels that the President has not risen to the mantle of the presidency, and so he writes a
scathing op-ed to call him out on his job performance.

Exactly where does Loser Romney get off advising the first hard hitting, fight for the American
People President we have had in a long time on how to act and represent the United States?
The Democrats and the media are enough of an obstruction and a sideshow for this
administration to fight through without RINOS jumping on the bandwagon and selling out their
party because they “disapprove” of the President. As if it was their place to judge.

Most are just angry and fearful that he will discover how they are making deals and money for
themselves. They know he will call them out on it.

This was the exact reason so many of them retired this year. They were too whimpy and sheep
like to stand up for those they were supposed to represent. They didn’t want to lose their “in
crowd” card by taking the path less traveled and giving the popular kids in the Democratic Party
any push back.

Romney’s op-ed was so unpopular, even his own niece had to disavow it.
RNC Chairperson, Rhonna Romney McDaniel, felt that this kind of rhetoric from a freshman
senator was “disappointing and unproductive.”

The People sent Donald J. Trump to the White House. He is in line with their agenda.
Those Republicans who were voted into office have a DUTY to their constituents.
They have not been sent to work against the President.

There was always been plenty of that kind of obstruction.
The People want border security. BUILD THE WALL!!!!
The People want America First, first in prosperity, jobs and benefits for the people here at home.
The People want to stop being the policemen of the world.

The US cannot continue to project values and morality upon those who have no interest in
changing whatever it is that is ruining their own country. If you like it the way it was done “back
home,” go back there. Delta is ready when you are. The People do not want to turn our country
into the place immigrants found so odious that they were compelled to leave it.

The People do not want to foot the bill for the protection of the world.
The People write, email and call their representatives everyday!

It is time for the elected officials to use their head for something besides a hat rack and their ears
for listening.

The reason Trump is in the presidency is BECAUSE THE PEOPLE PUT HIM THERE!!!!!!
Remember who you work for and to whom you are beholden.

Senator David Perdue: The RAISE Act Should Be Part Of Congress’ Immigration Solution


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