A Changing America
Opinion July 15, 2019
The Democrats are really the party of nothing American. Somehow, politically, they’ve become the “Blue” party when they irrefutably should be “Red.” How did they hang the term “Red” on Conservatives? The media did it of course and somehow our Republicans leaders accepted it. Not good, because it confuses me when I have to refer to the Democrat Marxists as “Blue.”
The entire Democrat party, filled as it is with really stupid little despots, perverts, transgenders, anti-flag, anti-Christian, anti-family, anti-rule of law, anti-nearly everything except what resources they can redistribute to the masses for free, represent a real danger to Americans everywhere.
America once welcomed immigrants through the portal of hope, Ellis Island, where they were examined for diseases and let in or quarantined until the individual recovered. Never was the immigrant given a job, food stamps, housing, or medical care after Ellis Island, or free anything else. Not even a gift bag. That was it and America not only survived but grew strong and prospered with their assimilation into America’s Constitutionally protected culture. Most set about learning English and most definitely their children did, without home country accents.
Many even saw it their duty to join the armed forces and return to the European continent to shoot at their former countrymen who’s despicable acts of aggression required no less. They contributed to Americas greatness. Most were Christians, many were Jews and a trickle from other religions but all were guaranteed freedom of religion, speech and assembly.
What do we have today? The foreign body of a religious disease that nobody wants, nobody understands, yet requires that we all acquiesce to its cultural demands because, they tell us, they are better than everyone else. They bring with them their book of murder and tell us its a book of “peace” and the Democrats believe them, indeed encouraged them and even sneaked some of them in. Others riot in our streets beating up people, a la the Nazi’s SD and SA.
The Boards of Commissions and Mayor’s of our cities and towns are, by the vote process, slowly being supplanted by Progressivism (Marxism) and, in some places by Islam. There, Shariah law replaces the Rule of Law because, they tell us, it is better.
We now find Islam has penetrated the ranks of our Congress. That should never be. Islam is totally incompatible with our US Constitution and our Judeo-Christian foundation for the rule of law. Their oaths are allowed to be taken on the Qur’an. How good could that oath be when the very term “Islam” means submission…to Islam, not the Constitution? Even some Democrats, now anti-Christian, refuse to even take their oath of allegiance on the Bible.
Okay, I can understand that. So, how about requiring oath swearing’s, to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, be taken on the Constitution of the United States of America? That should plug a hole in the idea that the oath is meaningless and legislators can do only what’s best for their political or religious feelings, the rest of America be damned. Madison observed that “the epitome of tyranny was the combination of the executive, legislative and judicial functions in a single branch.” He was right you know! That’s why America’s frayed elections, pitting one house against another, its constitutional limits on what the Federal government can do and not do works so well. It should keep government manageable.
We must beware of the scoundrels who want to change that for the sole purpose of power. There’s a lot of ‘em out there as we see in today’s Congress. They need to be neutered!
Remember, freedom is the goal,the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!
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