George Orwell’s New Speak and Other Nonsense
Opinion, Politics March 11, 2021Written and submitted by George McClellan
The more things change the more they stay the same, not necessarily so, but old words and phrases once used by radical elements in pre-Soviet Russia to define and vilify who they were against, have simply become new words and phrases in pre-Maoist Americas meaning exactly the same thing with the same end in view, collectivization and complete state control. The only difference being, they are talking to new audiences, our past two generations of lost young Americans. We saw it coming, we were warned and we still let it happen: Antifa’s & BLM!
In Russia’s revolution of 1917, the term “Class Struggle,” was coined to represent the fight by the Marxist Proletariat (workers and soldiers), against the Bourgeois (royals, land owners, farmers & industrialists). That term today has been remolded to “Cancel Culture,” a “Woke” attack against Americas middle class; instead of peasants & soldiers, versus producers, we’ve been relegated by our betters through hate and envy, into separate class structures as victims, the easier for Marxists to either glorify and raise or vilify, demean and ultimately destroy, according to the “New Speak” theme of the Day! It changes daily!
Case in point, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, a tough talking, in your face, git’er done blowhard Italian politician, once the darling of the Democrat Party destined for Presidential greatness, his legacy alas, now in tatters because the “Woke” crowd has deemed him a liability and no longer an asset. Cuomo strayed from the strict Marxist path, exposed himself to compromising ridicule and now faces the fate of George Orwell’s poor hapless citizen, Winston Smith. Cuomo will probably not get a bullet in the back of his head, but will suffer a life forever in obscurity, unsung, unloved and destined to become a pitiful example of failing to adhere to strict Marxist dogma. Any Democrat who strays is expendable to Party discipline, except idiots and sexual predators who become President. They will be protected! Cuomo will go down fighting, but he will go down. The Democrat Motto: “Admit nothing, deny everything and blame somebody else” didn’t work! Cuomo tried but failed and to Big Brother, failure is not an option. Womanizing is okay just so long as you don’t get caught at it. Let the Party provide your sexual entertainment, Don’t seek it yourself, it’s not prudent, and as often fatal!
In the time of Rome’s greatest peril, encircled as they were by Barbarians, Visigoths and Huns, the feckless Roman emperor’s produced Circus’s and bloody entertainments to pacify its citizens so they wouldn’t notice their treasury being squandered by frivolity, unproductive enterprises and worst, leaving unpaid soldiers to fume. We see this right now with Pelosi’s $1.9 Trillion spending bill (forget Biden, he’s nothing). This is all Pelosi and Schumer doing the bidding of the corporate New World Order crowd. Not to forget, China is sitting on the horizon patiently bidding its time, ready to become the masters of the New World Order.
Speaking of circus’s, how did Megan and Harry suck the air out of such really pressing news items as he border crisis with Biden’s invited disease laden, unskilled peasant wannabe laborers crashing our borders to infect our American culture while receiving free stimulus money, housing and healthcare to boot? The Party of Pelosi and Schumer fed billions of our treasury dollars into failed Blue States and Blue City coffers to restore their bankrupt union pension funds while other unAmerican distractions, like legitimizing sexual perversions, damaging real women’s rights, and worst, leaving unaddressed the threats our protectors of society, policemen, firemen and soldiers must endure all while still trying to pacify us citizens with circus type entertainments so we don’t see the coming disaster! Megan & Harry be damned! Americans have got to get their heads out of their arse’s and Democrats out of Govt.!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (10Mar21)
Backlash, by Consent of the People
Opinion, Politics February 15, 2021Written And Submitted By George McClellan
The witch trial is over, Trump survived and his enemies are storing away the faggots of fire tinder for his public burning. The dunking stool, once favored by more civilized societies as a method of ridding themselves of undesirables are, in a few states where GOP turncoats voted with the Devil, being resurrected. Sad, very sad!
This show trial business was a thoughtless and dividing exercise in hateful revenge. Nothing more! The Republican party can no longer be fully trusted and right now, many of the GOP swamp dwellers who voted to maintain the status quo by voting against their President, are sweating out probable repercussions from an outraged Trump base in their own states. The Trump base is not going away as the RiNO’s hoped! The anti-Trump GOPer’s have lost their grip on their reality, reliability and trustfulness and many will be looking for the exit door before getting cashiered by the new crowd forming up across America determined to turn them out. It’s Trumps GOP now if he wants it. Watch the sniveling snowflake republican politicians start to reverse course. Case in point, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who called Trump responsible for the Capitol attack, quickly reversed himself, made the trip to Trump’s Florida estate to be first in line to kiss the ring and see if there was any hard feelings.
But, already, within hours, the Louisiana GOP unanimously voted to censure their senior Senator, Bill Cassidy for his vote to convict President Trump expressing their profound disappointment in his dastardly actions and demanding his resignation. These people have forgotten that representative government, and votes taken, is to be by the consent of the people, not the grievance of a politician. To lose that consent is to have a hard row to hoe.
Who’s left? The ultimate traitor to Conservatives, Mitt Romney has, we are told “a strong base in Utah,” but that’s questionable. He might have a harder time then he realizes. Lisa Murkowski from Alaska has been courting trouble ever since she’s been id’ed as a RiNO, Sen. Richard Burr of NC, (any relation to Aaron?), Benn Sasse of Neb and Pat Toomey of Pa. who is on his way out anyway, all face potential reprisals at home. Stay tuned!
How these people cling to the Constitution as an excuse for their perfidy is laughable. That goes for all politicians. Sen Cassidy, going all in, said: “Our Constitution and our country is more important than any one person. I voted to convict President Trump because he is guilty.” If Sen. Cassidy had listened to the evidence instead of nurturing his own personal hatred of Trump, he might have enjoyed an understanding of exactly what the Constitution is and how it works.
In Wyoming there are angry demands that Rep. Liz Chaney resign her office at once and, right here in Georgia, a recall effort has started to remove Governor Kemp and Secretary of State Raffensperger for their utter contempt of Georgia’s Voting laws, and failing to conduct proper post election inquiries of alleged voter fraud resulting in a loss of the people’s trust. If we have friends like them, who needs enemies?
For Trump base, his acquittal was a vindication. I don’t usually trust polls but, according to Gallup, Trump’s approval stands at 82%, Monmouth University poll reports 72% of Republicans absolutely believe Joe Biden is president because of voter fraud while remarkably, Marjorie Taylor Greene’s fellow House Republicans overwhelmingly voted to defend her despite being relieved from two House committee assignments for her pro-Trump heresy. Keep an eye on the next few days. Times are a changing and we’re witness to it. More later! Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (13Feb21)
Haste Makes Waste, Get The Facts
Opinion December 9, 2019Arriving at hasty conclusions, even ones you dreamed up yourself, had better have some facts
or everything falls apart. Adam Schiff’s much ballyhooed 300 page BS report out of his House
Intelligence Committee on the nefarious impeachable activities of President Trump, are not
supported by one single fact and apparently, even that wasn’t fact checked for accuracy.
One notable error being a phone number Schiff claimed proved collusion between Rudy
Giuliani, on Trumps behalf, and the White House Office of Management and Budget, chaired by
Mick Mulvaney. The offending number was actually the White House switch board. Oh my!
Schiff’s report claims the OMB played an integral role in the freeze on military aid to Ukraine,
but the evil mechanism of conspiracy, the dreaded switchboard, impeded his justice. I don’t
think so. Schiff can’t subpoena it and of course, his whole scenario has already been trashed.
But what are facts to Schiff and the Democrat party? They make up their own as they go along.
Sadly, for the Democrats, and reflective of Schiff’s incompetence, the call logs of OMB revealed
in fact that no one in that office spoke with Rudy Giuliani in the cited months of April and August.
Oops! But that’s that’s quite the opposite of what Schiff claims in his 300 page tome of quasi-
official nonsense. Haste makes waste.
What is far more troubling is Schiff’s secret subpoenas of fellow (Republican) House Intelligence
committee members and others, for their phone records. We’ll see where that falls out but it can
be a chargeable felony, except of course, when the offender is a weird Democrat Congressman.
This whole impeachment business is far more calculating than most of us give it credit for. It’s
stupid, but still calculating. The obvious driving force clearly is the pure hatred for Trump and us
deplorable’s who support him for having the audacity to defeat Obama’s shadow candidate
Hillary Clinton in 2016, a date that will live in infamy. The Democrat party truly despises the
Constitution and anyone who gets in their way regardless of what it says.Theirs is an insatiable
lust for power, total control, and the unbridled freedom to enrich themselves at the public trough,
tell Americans what to eat, drink, drive and to prepare for the end because of climate change.
While Trumps removal would be a welcome outcome for Democrats, and seeing the 2020
writing on the wall, their current objective is simply to attempt to smear him in the public eye,
erode his base support and drive others away from working with him. If they can’t tarnish
Trump’s image to prevent his re-election, their next goofy step will be to try to neutralize or
eliminate altogether, the Electoral College until a Democrat of their political persuasion can be
elected who will put an end to this obstructive Constitution nonsense.
By the way, Schiff’s secret collecting of committee members phone records reflects classic
“Stasi” and KGB trade craft. A subpoena for a criminal case should be issued after a warrant is
presented laying out the probable cause for wanting such information. With Schiff, being a
Congressman, this 4th amendment business probably does not apply.
Pelosi’s orchestrated two pronged attack using Dumb and Dumber, Schiff and Nadler, as her
spear points, is shameless, fact free, political theater, something Democrats were once good at.
Today, the word is out. We all know it's a sham lie, but as the corrupt and disgraced once former
Senate majority leader Harry Reid would put it, “as long as it works, so what?”
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!
Short Takes – The Questions About Mueller
Opinion August 1, 2018The Questions About Mueller
It continues to amaze me that the Leftist media and their lackey’s in the Democrat party continue to asseverate the now thoroughly debauched GPS Fusion report as the one, truthful, legitimate document upon which Mueller can continue his persecution of Donald Trump. It’s as though they wish to preserve the Fusion report as a recently found lost book from the Gospels.
The Left’s attitude of complete contempt for the Congress was clearly manifest with the Congressional hearing of Mr. Peter Strzok, formerly an important cog in the anti-Trump FBI-DOJ cabal fixated on preserving the Clinton crime family and the Clinton Foundations money laundering scheme by pinning her nefarious activities to Trump’s campaign. They just can’t stand to lose but, by losing, they themselves stand in the cross hairs of judicial retribution and they know it. That’s why they are fighting so hard against Trump, to save themselves. Mueller isn’t the God sent angel the Left would have us believe. He has a history of targeting innocent people that has left an indelible stain on American jurisprudence. Can Justice be trusted?
A review of Mueller’s working history shows that he is capable of being quite ruthless in using the tactics of threats, harassment, prosecution for minor offenses and even forcing witnesses into bankruptcy, to admit to or claim anything against his target. Currently it’s the President of the United States, and the few who have lost to Mueller’s tactics, like Lt.Gen. Flynn, Paul Manafort and now Trumps personal lawyer, Mike Cohen, are evidence enough of his complete ruthlessness to protect the deep state. it certainly appears Mueller will do what it takes to bring down Trump except for one missing item…. accepting the truth.
What did Eric Holder of Fast and Furious (not the TV show) fame have to say about former FBI Director Mueller? “I’ve known Bob Mueller for 20, 30 years; my guess is he’s just trying to make the case as good as he possibly can.” Holder knows him. As Attorney General he was Mueller’s boss when Mueller was Director of the FBI. He has seen Mueller at work when Holder himself was obstructing justice and being held in contempt of Congress. He knows Mueller framed innocent people without remorse, but what can he say but good things? Peas in a pod!
It “shocks, shocks” the system realizing that Mueller’s history of connivence reveals his true dark character. Placed as he was by Deputy Atty. General Rob Rosenstein, in a position to conduct a ‘coup’ against a lawfully-elected President, signals just how far down the toilet American politics has descended under the protection of a corrupt DOJ.
You can figure any Republican who say “Bob Mueller will do a good job as Special Counsel,” or “Mueller has a great reputation for being fair,” and knows Bob Mueller, are “Never Trumpers” who desire President Trumps removal from office by any means necessary, be it inditement, chicanery, past business practices, emoluments, or consorting with weird women. They do not know , or care, about the many outrageous problems found in Mueller’s professional history. These people believe they are cultivating votes for a future run as a Senator or even President perhaps, like John Kasich for example.
Mueller, like Comey, were never trained Special Agents of the FBI. They were lawyers before, they were lawyers after and they are still lawyers. Many assume lawyers, especially with long careers in the DOJ would make great Directors of the FBI. Not so! A capable director with years of field experience, who comes up through the ranks is far better prepared to keep the FBI out of cut-throat politics than lawyers. Comey, Strzok and Mueller are exceptions.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way Now, go get ‘em! (27Jul18)
Short Takes – Elections Do Count, Don’t They?
Opinion February 5, 2018
“The Memo,” when it was released, confirmed what we all suspected. There was enough corruption at the highest levels of the bureaucratic deep state to ensure that the rotted political establishment that feeds it, should survive. Corruption in government cannot exist without the protections of suborned, rogue police elements dedicated to keeping it in power. So far we see the DoJ, FBI and IRS filling those rolls. The leadership of other government Intelligence agencies may be also. But, in the end, Ya gotta win those elections,
Former discredited Director of the FBI, James Comey, now performs as a shill of the DNC. He is still attempting to neutralize the impact of “the Memo” and those who produced it, accusing his detractors of “being patently political as weasels and liars.” Comey even applied the metaphor of “McCarthyism” to todays politicians for the actions they took to bring down the “honest reputation of the FBI” (read: the Deep State in his meaning). In doing so, Comey forgets the FBI’s role in aiding McCarthy in conducting his witch hunts for Communists in the 50’s.
What we have now, as McCarthy predicted back then, is Marxists running our government. I do not say Comey is/was a Marxist but the Clintons and the DNC, no matter how they wish to call themselves, use Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” as the guiding principles on how they conduct their relations with Republicans, Americans and to change a Constitutional government. Comey, Mueller, et. al. are simply “Useful Idiots,” sustaining their own sinecures by cooperating with the party in power until their own corruption is complete. But, to sustain it, until complete hegemony is achieved by the Marxists, they still gotta win them elections!
The frenzy of loss and despair from loosing power is eating the Democrats alive. A whole year latter with an economy spiraling upward, rising employment numbers, a growing stock market and looming prosperity, the dysfunctional Democrats are bewildered about how to save their sinking ship. Their only hope lies in the 2018 mid-term elections and their only message, so far, is ”we all hate Trump because…” and here you can fill in the blank with any pejorative you wish.
The Democrat party has been boxed in by President Trump over the illegal alien business and what to do with their offspring. Nice words like “DACA” are applied to give a soft, inoffensive meaning of legitimacy to criminals so that soft-hearted Americans will accept as inevitable, the citizenship of 1.2 million illegals, not 800,000, into our country. Also, Democrats cannot explain how the violent crimes these Illegal aliens have brought with them can be of any use in a constitutional American society. Therefore, they apply words like “diversity” and “Inclusion” to assuage our feelings about what’s really going on in the violent America they creating.
Democrats must win nearly all of the congressional and senate seats up for grab in 2018 if they hope to survive at all. That they continue to demand the Mueller investigation proceed, even after no evidence has been found to implicate President Trump of any connection with the Russians, it stays viable because the equally corrupt main stream media keeps it there.
Sadly, the little things like evidence and commons sense stand as no barrier to Democrat paranoia. Nancy Pelosi babbles on whenever a microphone is shoved in her face even forgetting who the President is. Schumer is nearly in hiding, the black Democrat caucus are in total denial, and Hispanic Democrat politicians are realizing how out of touch they are even with their own constituency. We’re on a winning roll to Make America Great Again. Lets keep it going!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!
Short Takes – Coming Up, the SOTU
Opinion January 31, 2018Tonight, President Trump will give his first State of the Union speech. It should be a doozy. I
expect it to be a complete success because every speech Trump has made has been a signal
success, except to the Marxists acolytes of the media and the Democrat party.
The Democrat party is in disarray. As things are now going, with the departures of many “deep
state” congressmen and senators of both parties, plus the coming departures of many of the
higher echelons of the FBI and the DoJ, complicit in the pro-Hillary, anti-Trump cabal, reflects
that another of Trumps campaign promises is being fulfilled, draining the “Swamp.”
He will not mention these tawdry issues in his speech because the President is focused on
success. He will remind people of his successes with the growing economy, the reduction of the
regulation state, the collapse of Obamacare, the leveling of free trade policies and the legislative
horror that is illegal immigration being reconstructed on his terms. He will focus also on the
necessity of refunding the military to face off against the Islamic forces that endanger America.
This SOTU speech could actually be rather short because the media have already told us
what’s wrong with the present state of the Union claiming that it’s Trumps fault, but they can’t
argue against the growing success that really is Trumps fault. The media continues to deny that
the Democrats and Obama specifically, had any responsibility for the economic success
America is now experiencing.
Trump’s been in office one year and the economy shot off like a rocket. The incompetent,
feckless Obama stepped up and attempted to claim credit for it and was all but was laughed off
the stage. He’s as silly as Hillary and her “Never Ending Story,” who showed up to cheers at the
sad Grammy awards ceremony to continue her screed that she was cheated out of the
Presidency. She’s the gift that keeps on giving. The Grammys turned out to be a far left wing
televised Hollywood political rally to continue the assault on Donald Trump.
The left, under the leadership of the high ranking theologians of the church of Progressive
policy, Schumer, Durbin, Feinstein and Pelosi, are reeling in confusion wondering what’s
slapped them in the face. It was Trump and the SOTU speech should add fuel to the fire that is
consuming them.
I believe the President will be polite to the Democrats inviting them to help him solve the
immigration problem. Democrats will call, as they always do, for “comprehensive bipartisan
legislation” to help those “Dreamer” children remain here and become citizens. Trump will offer
the hand of agreement and they will refuse it. Schumer has already lost that battle but the
deranged far left will badger him into committing another error in calculation.
Trump is anything but stupid. He understands the power of words, maybe not how to use them
himself, but how others use them. “Comprehensive” is a word Trump knows simply means
capitulation to Democrat demands for amnesty. He will not going there.
Finally, the FISA memo may have been released by today. Trump will ignore it. He’s already
made his case against allegations of collusion and, the Mueller Investigation, apart from being
cluttered up with Hillary acolytes, is becoming a bore to the public. Time is on Trumps side. He’s
making America great again.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em.
Short Takes – GOP’s Success or Failure?
Opinion July 30, 2018GOP’s Success or Failure?
Trumps success by his individual determination to return pride and economic success to
America with his non traditional bash ‘em policies that “elite" politicians simply do not
understand, is leading the political change in American. Some call it the Trump Train, others
thinks it’s hogwash. If the GOP, even with its few elite rogue elements still holding office, fails to
keep the House, America is in for a very rough ride indeed.
A few Republican politicians understand that we are in a historic cycle of desperately needed
political change and are working to keep Trump’s momentum going. Like him or not, Trump is
making things happen for the best. Does the compassionate conservative of a bygone era,
Ohio’s Governor John Kasich, really believe he can top Trump by reengaging the GOP in the
coils of socialist government elitism? I seriously don’t think he can.
If that were so, then why is the GOP still fearful of a “Blue Wave” in this coming 2018 election?
Is there a “Blue Wave” coming or is all rhetorical media BS designed to frighten voters into
voting Democrat? Democrats have nothing to offer that remotely even compares to Trumps
success. All they can do, and are doing, is filling the airways with peripheral nonsense.
The non ‘Freedom Caucus’ GOP members of the House know full well the dangers of the
Marxist Democrat party regaining power. They want a complete reversal of Trumps economic
success (4.1% growth) so citizens will again become dependent on government provided
Socialism. They want open borders for the worlds immigrants to flood in and they want
sanctuary cities for those already here illegally. if the Senate were to go along with a Democrat
House, then Trump would be removed,“tout suite.” Gone would be his tax cuts, American jobs,
prosperity and freedom. The reward will be an immediate reorganization of the welfare state,
socialized health care and open borders and with it the promise of a Socialist utopia, a la,
Venezuela. When will they ever learn?
To date, remaining members of the GOP ‘elite’ class, still cling to the vain hope that the now
completely phony Mueller inquiry will find something against Trump that will ensure his removal
and the survival of the corrupt deep state, and protect their role in it.
The GOP’s problem is, unlike Trump, they don’t keep their promises. They promised smaller
government and grew it bigger. They promised to balance the budget yet threw it into overdrive.
They promised to repeal ObamaCare and didn’t, and Trump had to do it piece-meal. They
promised to fully, fund and build a wall along the southern border, stop borrowing money that
runs up the national debt, and cut taxes to sustain Americas economic revival.
It is no secret the House has been in need of new leadership. It has a GOP ‘elite’ with Paul
Ryan at the helm but, as it turns out, he is part of the problem and can barely disguise his own
contempt for the President. Ryan doesn’t see the future through Trumps eyes so, because of
the growing in-house opposition against him, he has thrown in the towel and will retire in
November. Until then, the House remains effectively, all but leaderless.
The Freedom Caucus is gaining hegemony in the House with Rep. Jim Jordan in the main role
as Speaker. The old guard still have McCarthy and the bullet ridden Scalise as popular choices
but the scene has changed and their brand of leadership, designed to save the un-savable, will
no longer satisfy the base. It’s time to get on the Trump Train and Make America Great Again.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (28Jul18)
Short Takes – The Left’s Lost Far Horizon
Opinion July 27, 2018The Left’s Lost Far Horizons
The Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), a term popularized by Rush Limbaugh, is adversely infecting the common sense of Democrats and Republican Never Trumper’s. Like an undetected cancer spreading through the body politic, its infectious growth manifested itself even on “The View,” the very portal of TDS news speak and the cesspool of Liberal thought. The media is no better. It’s a conglomeration of sick organizations in need of total refits.
Democrat leadership has all but evaporated. Poor Nancy Pelosi still entertains visions of a triumphant return to the Speakership when she can hardly speak without drooling, slurring her words or forgetting her lines all together. What’s left of the sane House Democrats should stop talking about retiring her and just do it. Nancy would be better off on the clean streets of San Francisco administering to the homeless folk and illegals she so desperately admires, then face the humiliation that is surely coming. Her horizons are now far away.
Diane Feinstein, nearing age 85, if she’s not already there, has reached the bounds of her Far Horizons by offering up a desperate bill that would, she hopes, placate her base, while causing Senate Republicans some problems. Her bill, is to ensure that invaders in our country illegally, are not separated from their families or whoever brought them in. Fake outrage over the practice of separating adults and children was merely another issue the democrats thought they could seize on as a cudgel to bash Trump. Feinstein’s bill was poorly thought out, inoperable, expensive and would open all sort of other problems for real American citizens.
Democrats, desperate to make us think the child separation issues at the border are Trump’s doing, ignores the fact they were enforced under Obama. The reason for the separations are clear; children do not belong in jail with adults, and not all the adults who brought them were/are the children’s real parents anyway. No amount of sympathetic feelings will change the fact they are here illegally, and Americans now realize that. Diane, even as we speak, is being ditched.
There’s a family in the neighbor who is anti-gun. They put up a yard sign declaring their house to be a Gun Free Zone. A neighbors sign say’s “This is an armed household. Go next door.” Then they had a sign that screamed “We want Open Borders, immigrants are world citizens.” Somebody took the hinges off their front door when they were away and put up a another sign that says “immigrants welcome, come on in and make yourself to home.”
The Democrat Party simply cannot survive without voters and as American voters, including Americans of African Descent, are ditching ‘em, they must import voters, even illegal ones who cannot read or write English, let alone the Spanish they brought with them. How is given them drivers licenses and entering them on the voter rolls simply because they’re here, helping America? It isn’t. It helps the Socialists impose their socialism on the rest of of us.
In National Elections, votes recorded from California, should be automatically discounted as unverifiable, unreliable and illegal as should the votes of every state that encourages illegals to register to vote. In states the give drivers licenses to illegals should be immediately suspect in neighboring states and the drivers who use them arrested for possessing invalid IDs.
The far horizon, as I see it, is obscured by the moving mass of humanity rushing our borders to get in. With the Democrats help they won’t need to bash the doors down, but simply walk through the open doors and enter the welfare state, like the one(s) they just fled.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (25Jul18)
Short Takes – How Deep is the Deep State?
Opinion July 20, 2018How Deep is the Deep State?
The outrage from the remnants of the Bush, Clinton, Obama administration’s, supported by the Leftist media keeps trumpeting against the supposed “faux pas” Trump made in his Helsinki summit with Putin. This includes the seriously nonsensical cries of “TREASON.”
Definitely not treason. I’ll go with a “faux pas” (a stumble) but nothing, absolutely nothing, Trump has done compares with the absolute treasonous activity of Hillary Clinton with her sale of American uranium to Russia, her unauthorized email server passing classified information, her aides destroying evidence (Cell devices) and her Clinton Foundation’s money laundering for Clinton’s profit. All that criminality is ignored by the press, by most Republicans, by the DNC whose deranged activists not only destroyed evidence, but denied the FBI the right to examine the physical evidence of the DNC’s alleged hacked computers, not to mention the DNC’s imported Congressional IT experts, a whole family nest of Pakistani Muslim spies.
The question now circulating is did Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein allow special counsel Mueller to publicize his indictment of several Russian operatives just before Trumps Helsinki Summit with Vladimir Putin to stop the summit, affect its outcome or embarrass the President? Rosenstein said he informed the President three days before Helsinki and Trump didn’t object. Okay! That’s the politics today. I’ll leave it at that because tomorrow there will be yet another outrage for the Democrats to glam up on. It’s just a matter of patience. One day something could stick.
How about let’s play ‘Jeprody,’ except I’ll provide the answer: “Who is Lisa Barsoomian?”
Lisa H. Barsoomian is an attorney, a graduate of Georgetown Law School. She’s a protege of both Robert Mueller and James Comey. She worked for R. Craig Lawrence and represented Bill Clinton in 1998. She also represented Robert Muller three times, James Comey five times, Barack Obama forty-five times, Kathleen Sibelius fifty-six times, Bill Clinton forty more times and Hillary Clinton seventeen times not to mention the FBI at least five times. She’s good!
Unlike the demented Left that seeks fault in Trumps every nuance and demands his immediate Impeachment, the folks she represented were doubtless sued by some organization or another, for some frivolous complaint or other. The courts are filled with this stuff. it’s all a matter of looking it up. She’s a lawyer, a good one apparently, doing the jobs she was hired for. But, who is she and why should we care?
We should care because all her files, documents and court cases relating to the Clinton’s are being purged including her defense of Bill Clinton in the Hamburg vs. Clinton case in 1998 and its appeal in 1999. In my world, once, purges like this, or change of stations, suggested the need to protect an informant in some scheme against a criminal element or a foreign government. Was/is she an Intelligence agent? I won’t speculate further except to note that her email address is with the NIH, a known hiding place for deep cover government operatives. The NIH is the inoffensively titled National Institutes of Health. Just saying!
Much of her professional work was defending American Intelligence agencies from FOIA requests. She has been involved, reportedly, in hundreds of cases representing the US Attorneys office in Wash. DC. But here, I should point out that we’re venturing into the dark world of the American Intelligence Community that Trump allegedly dissed in his Helsinki remarks that has the Left in a tizzy.
Isn’t it the American Intelligence community that has been actively engaged in organizing a Coup against President Trump ever since his election? Which brings us back to the continuing, dull, mind deadening Mueller Investigation that will never cease. Why?
Well, because, among other things, it deals with Trumps tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum imports, funding the border wall, providing amnesty to the illegal Stateless children (DACA) collecting on our borders, protects the Clapper leaks, the Comey leaks, Jeff Sessions recusal and other dangerous changes to the Deep State that Trump is bringing down.
Where does Barsoomian fit in and why should we care? Because she is Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s wife. How about them apples? Nothing I’ve mentioned here is secret or classified in any way. It’s all from open sources.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way, Now, go get ‘em! (18July18)
Short Takes – Revealing the Coup
Opinion May 25, 2018A name rarely mentioned in this tawdry ‘coup’ against Trump business, is recently retired Admiral Mike Rogers, head of the NSA with the dual capacity as the Director of the newly forming Cyber Command. If I were asked to select a candidate for a “Profiles in Courage” award, it would surely be Admiral Rogers, followed by Rep. Devin Nunes..
Over a year ago, both of these men took independent action when they recognized that things were not kosher in Obama’s government after Hillary lost her sure bet election. Progressives reaction to their election loss was disastrous and what Mike Rogers did was unprecedented. In his capacity as head of the NSA, it was his responsibility to share NSA collected intelligence of special interest with the heads of the other Intelligence agencies, but particularly the CIA Director, John Brennan and the Director of National Intelligence DNI, James Clapper.
It was reported that Mike Rogers was reading some reports that crossed his desk that alarmed him by what they revealed. He immediately cancelled all appointments for the day, packed up his briefcase and in an unprecedented move, headed to NYC for a secret emergency meeting with President-Elect Donald Trump in Trump Tower on 08/11/16. Adm. Rogers did not share the need for this secret emergency meeting with the CIA or the DNI, because clearly, they would have attempted to stop him.
The information he revealed to the President-elect was that Obama’s Intelligence Community, John Brennen and James Clapper, had launched a covert post election spying operation against Donald Trump, that included intercepting Trump’s communications in Trump Tower.
Readers may recall the very next day following that ‘secret’ meeting, Donald Trump claimed that his building had been ‘wired tapped’ and he immediately, moved the Trump organization out of Trump Tower, lock, stock and barrel, to another location accompanied by the hoots, hollers, ‘harumps’ and derisive laughter of the Leftist media and, more importantly, the deep state.
Of course, hard wire intercepts of telephone communications (wiretaps) as were common in earlier decades, are no longer used as technology has quickly advanced far beyond those now antiquated methods. Today, cyber systems are now in vogue that sweep the ‘ether,’ collecting any and all data government computers deems necessary to save itself.
Among those important intercepts that crossed Adm. Rogers desk was information that clearly showed the newly elected president, Donald Trump, was being illegally surveilled in his Trump Tower Headquarters. When the laughter died down, sober faces suddenly realized the import of the disclosure. Day’s later, The Washington Post reported a recommendation, allegedly made in in “October,” that Mike Rogers should be removed from his NSA position & etc..
Obama’s heads in the Pentagon and the intelligence community, urgently recommended to President Obama that, Adm. Rogers, should be removed (fired) as the NSA. head. The panic was setting in, the consternation was complete, but Admiral Rogers maintained his loyalty, his dignity and his self-respect. Clearly, Mike Rogers didn’t want to be involved with the spying scheme which was Obama’s post presidency plan to save his legacy and prevent Trump from removing Obama’s embedded loyalists. Rogers unknown loyalty was a risk to the Obama objectives. He was not a swamp creature and the rest is history and it’s still in the making.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (22May18)
Short Takes – Is The End of Social Engineering in Sight?
Opinion November 30, 2017Is The End of Social Engineering in Sight?
The long sought after dream of the Democrat Party, to create an authoritarian one party state, its leaders nurtured by elitism and Karl Marx, is about over. Collectivism, as a policy that fits all, is unsustainable, but it still exists in the halls of academe thanks to policies of ‘tenure,’ that saves progressive professors from being tossed onto the trash heap of really stupid ideas.
The Democrats no longer deny their role as Socialists, they just don’t use those words that say so. Their decades of attacks on America’s long standing institutions of moral security, Judeo-Christian codes, Boy and Girl Scout programs, fraternities, conservative college political groups, & etc., are starting to fracture under the weight of disgust and common sense.
The very absurdity of combining the Boy Scout and Girl Scout programs together as one, led by “gay” leaders, is asinine. Concerned parents realize that combining impressionable young people, eager to join scouting, as potential targets of pedophiles, is unconscionable.
Forcing military units to accept transgender personnel, and all that that implies, is as equally disgusting as what that deviant community wants to do with scouts. The aim is to make everyone sexually neutral. For the military, not a good idea. Murder and suicide rates will skyrocket in consequence because real men will not countenance gays, transgenders or deviants, of any rank, openly in their combat units. They can’t be trusted. No amount of Progressive social engineering will change the fact that men and women are as different as night and day and that the 98.7% of straight males will not tolerate a lasting role as fighters from the “gay” community. Women in the cockpit of fighters aircraft has proven good. God bless ‘em! They have good coordination, good eye skills and so long as they are alone in the cockpit and don’t have to look an enemy in the eye before they kill ‘em, all the better.
President Trump very quickly announced an end to Obama’s transgender experiment and a few of Obama’s still active senior military officers, have made noises in dispute but, amazingly they have quieted down. I wonder why? One big problem for the military, apart from lack of funding, for training, equipping and maintenance, is the residual effects of Obama’s social engineering, lingering in the dark waiting to pop out again as aggrieved victims of the majority. I believe, Trump stopped that nonsense just in time. but just barely. The pending disaster that Obama’s social policies foretold, can not be salvaged by politicians, court rulings or consent.
It is now time, for American’s to grasp the true meanings of the words the Socialist (Marxist) Democrats use to ensnare us. “Multiculturalism,” describes the Left’s attempt to negate American Nationalism, those tenants that made America great and exceptional. It decries the evidence of race despite the clashing of cultures. European-American culture is not good for black African citizens, therefore it must be neutralized. As victims, blacks must be elevated. Christianity is not good for Islamic immigrants, therefore it must be neutralized lest Muslims be offended. “Diversity and Racism” go hand in hand with multiculturalism and is the Left’s vehicle to shut down all dissent. It lays the groundwork for negating the 1st Amendment.
The Left can’t stand the US Constitution because it tells them “no!” They can’t have that so, when in power, they ignore or it or go around it. Authoritarianism in America is not supported by the Constitution. Americans should learn that and protect their rights against the now stymied Democrats. But, beware, they’ll keep coming and they’ll keep trying. They are out to get us!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em. (30Nov17)
The Ultimate Insult
Opinion September 24, 2018It would please me no end to see Senate Judiciary chairman, Chuck Grassley, at the very
commencement of Thursdays extra-judicial hearing on the Kavanaugh confirmation to interview
Dr. Christine Bassey Ford, to publicly ask Senator Dianne Feinstein to immediately tender her
resignation from the committee by reason that she has lost the faith and trust of the Chairman,
and her continued presence would be inimical to the good order and discipline of the hearing.
It’s time for chairman Grassley to grab hold of this committee and run it like General Patton
would. Whether he realizes it or not, the political war between the Marxist Democrats and the
American Republic has been joined and because Trump has thrown a “monkey wrench” into
their expected America take-over plans, the battlefield has shifted dangerously to the judiciary.
Comity, statesmanship and fair play are unknown to Democrats so, neither should it be granted
to them. Whether the Democrats intended it at this time or not, Dianne Feinstein’s singular
attack against Trumps nominee to the Supreme Court, has launched a war that could soon get
completely out of control. This could be Grassley’s finest hour or his worst nightmare.
But imagine for a moment, the gasp of disbelief and total shock from Judiciary committee
Democrats, suddenly wondering how to quench the bleeding from Grassley’s stab wound.
All would be in chaos, Dr. Ford’s testimony would be forgotten or ignored, her attorney’s would
be stupefied, and then a call for a vote right then and there while the flood waters of panic
sweep over the Democrats would be a sight to behold. God, I would love to see that. It would
rejuvenate my faith in the GOP.
But, alas, it won’t happen! This is now a media event, a three ring circus led by MSNBC and
CNN, & New Yorker. I wonder if CNN and MSNBC, & et. al. realize they no longer have the
huge audience they once enjoyed? I also wonder who is paying for Dr. Ford’s high
maintenance attorney’s? Just asking! it would appear Grassley is going to allow Dr. Christine
Ford to testify, some day, Thursday probably, but if she perjury’s herself, who will know?
Democrats think Grassley is between a rock and a hard spot, feeling the heat for “fairness,”
something Democrats don’t practice while heaping the blame on his shoulders for the debacle
now unfolding. As I think on it, he should demand Feinstein’s resignation from the committee.
I had hoped that Grassley would announce that the committee vote would occur on Monday,
regardless. Suddenly ,Deep State RiNO’s like Jeff Flake, indicated he would probably not agree
meaning Kavanaugh could go to the floor without a committee endorsement. Won’t happen.
And what would Collins and Murkowski do? They all forget Americans voted for Trump so he
could put jurists like Kavanaugh on the bench, not dick around with “he said, she said” in-
actionable allegations. Probably, the most acceptable decision is to allow Dr. Ford to testify on
Thursday. Wednesday was offered but that wouldn’t do because we’re no longer concerned with
36 year old allegations, but obstruction and delay until the November elections.
Will Grassley and Mitchell capitulate? I have this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that
another Republican defeat is in the works. Will Grassley hold his ground like a good soldier, or
throw in the towel as Schumer expects he will do. First, demand Feinstein’s resignation. It’s the
very least he can do. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get
‘em! (23Sep18)
Short Takes – What We Learned From Helsinki, 2018
Opinion July 18, 2018What We Learned From Helsinki, 2018.
We watched a clash of two techniques at the Helsinki Summit yesterday, Trump’s The Art of the Deal and the other, The Art of Deception, as practiced by KGB’er Vladimir Putin. After the joint press conference two things emerged that need to be understood. President Trump is a deal maker. He thinks in those terms and he employe’s the idea of let’s not fight, but let’s both succeed, so long as it doesn’t harm America and is good for you. Putin is a czarists!
In the American political scene, those techniques managed to sweep away all opposition from Republican contenders challenging him for the GOP nomination. They worked to bring along American voters to drive the Democrats from the field. It worked and by doing so drove the Left crazy. It did not work against Russia’s Vladimir Putin. Trump looked weak and that’s a danger to the base. I hope he will learn from that experience. He usually does.
I do not doubt that President Trump was fully briefed on the deceptive characteristics he would face with his Mano-a-Mano with Vladimir Putin, a career KGB officer who is skilled, not in the Art of the Deal, but in the Art of Deception. Russians are not New York real estate brokers. They seek a restoration of empire and power, not buildings. Therein lies the differences.
Putin’s post “Summit” interview with Fox News reporter Chris Wallace, revealed to even the most casual observer, the purest application of the techniques of the Art of Deception by Putin. His body language, when examined in minute detail, as it will be, was so evident of deception that practitioners of Kinesic interview techniques will be able to write thesis on what Putin revealed through his body language alone, lies and deceptions. He is a practiced Russian politician and the history of Russian politician’s suggests they don’t make deals unless there’s a gun to their head.
What gun does Trump hold to Putins head? It’s what Trump knows best, how to make profits, especially when his opponent is in deep economic trouble. Trump’s gun is his continued sanctions against Russia. They’re working and it’s hurting. What does Putin have to counter Trump? It was Russia’s new natural gas deal with Germany a project soon, I fear, to come to an end. It’s also Russia’s support for Syria, which, as foreign policy, Russia cannot afford, and the massive amount of GDP Russia is pouring into it’s military, especially it’s deep water navy.
Trump was not coruscating in his post “Summit” interview and it has alarmed his base. It drove the American media wild with cheers and jeers and predictions of Trump’s early demise. But, as they’re already demented and would seized any rumor as a truth and exploit it, fewer people will believe them. Beware the Russians because they will exploit this apparent weakness.
Winners and losers are already being touted or jeered and by all accounts, at least by the Leftist media, Trump lost and Putin won. Not only did Trump lose, he was made to look the fool and so, therefore, must be guilty of treason. But, regardless, Russia is still in the throes of economic decline unable to afford their adventurism, still needs relief for its infrastructure expenses. It needs to earn some serious cash.
If we suspected that nothing noteworthy would come out of the Summit, the Left’s reaction would still hover between sneering contempt and laughter while Trump’s base will experience their first bout of mild depression. The late night comedy shows will be veritable clown shows regardless of the truths. And, this too shall pass. Trump is still our best fighter yet!
Remember, Freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (17Jul18)
Short Takes – Protecting Our Schools
Opinion February 21, 2018As expected, the school shooting outrage in Florida will soon run its course. Why? Because the Democrats immediately politicized it by blaming the NRA and organizing anti-gun rally’s around cooperative high schoolers, many still traumatized by the drama they just experienced. Their purpose, once again, is to set the anti-gun agenda they believe will garner them more local Congressional representatives elected to congress by an outraged populous.
Polarizing the issue as the Democrats have done, ended any hope for an intelligent discussion. In affect, democrats want the issue but they will fight any logical solution to solving it. Without a gun, that boy could have as easily run the students down with a vehicle. Then, you wouldn’t hear democrats scream “blame the UAW, ban all cars.” If you get the chance, ask your Democrat candidate for congress: “Do you support the Constitution?” A simple, logical question. If they say “yes!” then ask them “why are they running as a Democrat?” Make ‘em answer!
The anti gunners blame the 2nd Amendment and its supporters for America’’s violence problems with guns. The Constitution, because the founders could not possibly have foreseen it, does not answer the problems of young teen age boy’s, drug induced in schools because they are boisterous young teenage boy’s, doing violence with guns.
Like the Florida shooter, these drugged up young me are “getting lost in the rabbit hole of mental illness,” in and out of government social service counseling activities, staffed by people who are convinced they are doing good but weighed down by sheer volume of referred cases, so that no one gets a solution to their problems. We cannot continue to simply treat the symptoms after the offense, “tsk, tsk” the problem until it goes away or until it blows up in their faces, like the Florida tragedy. Everybody who needed to know, knew the potential danger.
The Democrats focus on the 2nd amendment because it is the only block to their goal of the totalitarianism they want for America. They can never succeed so long as Americans are armed, protected by the 2nd Amendment and willing to defend themselves from an out of control government.
Is there a solution to hardening schools from outside attack? Yes but it costs. The most effective security for stationary targets requires at least three concentric lines of outer defense extending thousands of yards. But a school wouldn’t expect to receive incoming artillery or mortar fire so the distant threat doesn’t really exist except it be the unknown, individual threat, like Cruz, that must be discovered and neutralized at that outer range. Police intelligence.
Neutralizing Cruz could have been a perfect exercise in local police efficiency fulfilling the long distance threat portion of the outer circle defense plan. Where was the weakness in the Florida incident? It was a failure to communicate, by the FBI, that did have the information necessary to neutralize the threat, but didn’t act on it.
It is here where the defended target, the school, needs to have daily updated Intel reports from the local sheriff or police dept. on potential threats. It should be an inexpensive daily habit of communication. In larger cities, these exist. NYPD for example rivals the CIA and the FBI in overseas intel collection. Their sole purpose, to protect NYC.
The second inner defense ring, and still thinking about schools, is a prepared readiness reaction team of trained police, think SWAT, ready to respond to a threat by hardening the target with their in view presence and/or detectives searching out the threat. The cost for a continual police presence is prohibitive but, a proper response plan will fulfill that gap and could even cover several schools in any given urban area.
The inner most target, the school itself, is the last line of defense. Schools, especially large ones, should have choke point entries manned by officers capable and trained to shoot and neutralize a threat. The day of the old retired policeman hired as an armed security guard and friendly with the children, is over. Armed teachers are not the answer either without them being willing to undergo a weeks worth of eight hour a day firearms training and quarterly re-quals.
Prison guards, not jailers, are perfectly trained for this purpose. That is the minimum level of training that should be required for school hardening that I would recommend.
The argument against that is that administrators “don’t want to turn their schools into prisons.” The logical response is, “do they want to turn them into graveyards?” Florida, Columbine and Sandy Hook, Aurora, among others, stand as a sad stark reminders of that level of thinking.
Finally, the security at target should be totally separate from school administrators interference and interactions with faculty and students. Armed police should not patrol hallways. Once a school gets used to the outside omnipresent security, silent but visible, then the educational atmosphere of freedom and safety returns, the civilian culture of anxiety dissipates and the security issues fades away, Basically, they feel protected.
Quickly, concern dissipates and nobody cares anymore. It’s that nobody cares anymore idea that is an eventual result after every such tragedy. With a trained security force, unrelated to the school administration, schools can return to their main function, education. Who really remembers Sandy Hook or Columbine any more? Long and all but forgotten.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!
Short Takes – A Divided America, What’s the Cure?
Opinion February 14, 2018America has long been divided by two contending political philosophies, one created in the firm belief in the god given rights of man through self determination and possession of private property, among others, the inalienable anchors of representative freedoms. The other, a scheme that clings to the Marxist inspired idea that people would be happier when embraced by the comforting arms of a collectivist, benevolent government, in the guise of the Democrat Party.
Into the midst of this conflict of ideas, stepped the most totally corrupt entity to ever enter American politics, the Clintons, man and wife, neither Marxists or Constitutionalists but criminals singularly dedicated to exploiting political divisions for their own self-aggrandizement. Their vehicle to wealth accumulation, power and corruption was through America’s political process.
America’s ill’s will never ever heal until Americans are assured at last, that the entire apparatus of the Clinton’s odious pay to play, personal wealth grabbing, political corrupting, self aggrandizing, treasonous machine is dismantled and she, her husband and all their acolytes stand in the dock to account for their crimes. Only then, will we know the cure has started.
The political struggle has been going on for decades with Socialist-Marxism in the ascendency, until Donald Trump. Trump hasn’t been scheming for years to be President, but is a total newcomer to the governing process because he had finally arrived at his own breaking point. Trump saw that Americas conversion into Socialism was near total and irrevocable. It was his trigger to believe the instauration of American politics was required and he could do it.
So, what does it mean to be a Republican then? Until Trump, absolutely nothing! Republicans, long wanderers in the political wilderness, bought into the socialists agenda for so long that capitulation was considered the norm. No debate, no arguments, just go the Democrats way. The word “bipartisanship” camouflages the exploitative nature of conflicting powers allegedly governing together. Republicans constantly fumbled aways their voters desires to keep America great. They were enjoying their “bipartisanship” and the rewards that came with it. Their greatest trick, as the cliche goes: was their ability to “snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.“ Until Trump!
Trump’s not a Republican and definitely not a Marxist but he’s a wealth creating businessman, a capitalist who convinced us he had the skills to Make America Great Again. He knows how to negotiate and the problems left us from eight years of Obama’s amateurish leadership, his inherent weaknesses and policies of appeasement, is being challenged face on and renegotiated to the screams and laminations of the spavined Democrat party.
Trump came as a champion. Americans, awakened by the Leftist threat, but lacking leadership and not knowing how to confront it, organized into ’quaint’ political groups, were quickly derided by the media and Deep State practitioners of elitism. The result, victory of conservatism in three successive national elections pushing the Democrat party into near oblivion.
The Republicans are starting to do what we have long wanted and what Trump is pushing them to do: expect political success in the face of tough resistance. Lacking an effective strategy for defeating the Democrats, without being pushed from behind, is slowing the process. Americans are resilient, slow to anger but fierce when pushed. The Democrats plotting against Americans in favor of illegals proves they are morally bankrupt and lack any vision to see America as Americans want it. The changes will be painful but in the end, America will be great again.
Remember, Freedom is thew goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!