Superintendent updates parents, students on school situation

towns county schools covid 19

HIAWASSEE, Ga. – Towns County School District Superintendent Dr. Darren Berrong updated parents and students on the COVID-19 school situation on Friday, stating that the campus will remain closed until at least April 24. “So the soonest that we can go back to school is (Monday) April 27,” Berrong said. That date is obviously not certain. This date keeps being pushed back continuously so I honestly don’t know if we will be returning to school this year or not. I hope that we can return to school. I know that our students are missing being in the classes with their friends. Our teachers are missing the students in the classroom so we’re hoping to get back to classes as soon as possible.”

Dr Darren Berrong

Towns County Schools Superintendent Dr. Darren Berrong

Spring Break is scheduled from April 6 -10. “We will be continuing our Spring Break as normal…,” Berrong explained. “Whether you travel or not during Spring Break is a whole nother story so you may be staying at home during that time.” Teachers will break as well during the week, and online learning will cease if the students have completed their assignments by that time. Berrong said that there have been issues with students not completing their schoolwork. “So we are asking parents, please check up on your child,” Berrong said. “All the communication with them from their teachers is coming through their school email, through their Google Classrooms. So take some time during the day to check up with your children, make sure that they are getting the work done that they’re supposed to be getting done.”

There will no school meal delivery during Spring Break, however, on Friday, April 3, meals will be delivered to the pick-up locations for the following week. Pick-up locations are Lower Hightower Church, the Towns County Senior Center, and Enotah Apartments in Young Harris. Berrong encouraged student participation in the meal program, explaining that it benefits the students and the school receives cost reimbursement from the state. Approximately 180 hot meals are being served each day from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. Berrong added that he hopes to see the number of participants in the meal program increase to 250 to 300 students. If the time does not work for pick-up, Berrong said that other arrangements can potentially be made.

Berrong reiterated the importance of students continuing their studies while the Towns County Schools’ campus is closed.

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