Towns County Billboard Amendment Finalized


HIAWASSEE, Ga. – Towns County Sole Commissioner Cliff Bradshaw held a special-called meeting on the morning of Monday, Oct.29, to finalize the adoption on the sign ordinance amendment. The billboard mandate has been in the process of revision since July, with a 90-day moratorium enacted on the issuance of sign permits, following a steep influx of requests from out-of-area advertisers.

Over the course of the past several months, Bradshaw consulted with the Towns County Planning Commission and Towns County Attorney Robb Kiker, seeking ample input from community business owners and county residents on the issue. Polls were distributed which revealed overwhelming public support to prohibit excess signage from occupying area lands.

The resolution allows for one on-premises sign per business lot, and one off-premises sign per private land parcel. On-premises signs are limited to 75 square feet in size, with off-premises signs not to exceed 32 square feet.

Th resolution states its objective and purpose is to “provide a reasonable balance between the right of an individual to identify a business, or express their thoughts, and the right of the public to be protected from visual discord resulting from the unrestricted proliferation of signs and advertising devices.”

Furthermore, the revised decree is scripted to “guard against an excess of large, aesthetically unappealing, intense signs which cause visual blight on the appearance of the community.”

telecommunications ordinance was additionally adopted at Monday’s meeting, limiting the size and placement of cellular towers within Towns County.

The mandates, in their entirety, are available at the Commissioner’s Office in the Towns County Courthouse.


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