Et Tu, Mexico?



Immigration has been a key issue in the news of late. Congress has flipped, then later flopped on their position concerning illegal immigrants. They will do anything to keep President Trump from a win on his border wall campaign promise. They will obstruct knowing full well that border area is in true crisis and something must be done to prevent the US from being overrun with those who would bypass the line and enter illegally. The fact that violent crime and dangerous drugs travel with some of the people in the caravan is of little concern to the Democrats. They have walls and security, unlike the average citizen.

The Democratic side led by Pelosi and her gang of misfits , will go for allowing more illegal aliens into the country in the hopes that they will be fresh Democratic voters for their machine. They do not care that the system is groaning under the weight of their upkeep.

Secure borders to both the North and South are essential for national security, but what of the 22 million or so illegals from various countries that have already been released into the United States, not to mention the thousands that continue to come?

For the sake of argument, say theoretically, the US would need a three part plan.

The first of a three part plan would be to try to build the wall in order to keep out any new illegal immigrants. Check, President Trump is getting monies and resources together for the first half.

Part two of the plan is to find a way to document the people who are already here and find the best way to deal with and process them. No check, Department of Homeland Security, Border Patrol and ICE are overrun with lack of resources, and so many migrants are lost in the system as they are already here.

Part three would be to quell the “caravans’ at the border before they enter the US. See part two, it is a no go right now.

Except for part one that President Trump is forcing through by declaring (legally) a national emergency, there is no cooperation to find or create any plausible ideas or ways to accomplish parts two and three.

The Democratic Party controls the House. They have made it abundantly clear that their obsession is to take President Trump down and if it is necessary to pull everyone in the United States down with him, so be it.

They refuse to visit the border and meet the troops on the ground. Border patrol have issued a standing invitation, which they have refused to acknowledge. They prefer to wear blinders and throw shade and derision at the President. They do not want to know the truth.

Congressional and Senate leaders would not listen in a meeting with the DHS director, Kirstjen Neilson. Pelosi stating, “I reject your facts.”

However, the facts weren’t particular to Secretary Nielson, they were the exact data about the problem. It is a stalemate between the President and the Democratic held Congress, and the renegade RINOS.

One of the traditional sources of illegal aliens is Mexico. For many decades, the country was so economically depressed, that the United States was the proverbial Promised Land.

People could cross the border, get a job, even a low wage job, and earn much more than they had in Mexico. They could send their money home to their families, build their homes there and put money into their economy, usually around a 10 to 1 exchange rate. That is, 10 pesos to one dollar.

In 1993, NAFTA, (North America Free Trade Agreement) was signed into law. Then president Clinton said that “NAFTA meant jobs.” (He did not necessarily mean for people in the United States, but it did mean jobs for the neighboring countries where former US manufacturing jobs were transferred.)

Vicente Fox, president of Mexico at the time, said, “The real end winner of NAFTA will be Mexico because we have that human capital. We have that resource that is vital to the US economy.”

Felipe Calderon, Mexican president from 2006 to 2012, has issued a statement to Trump’s claim of a border wall at Mexico’s expense, “Mexico won’t pay a cent for Trump’s stupid wall.”

All of this is most likely true even with NAFTA, however the mass migration continued from Mexico to the US, illegal immigrant dollars have been sent south of the border, improving and building many of the Mexican citizen’s standard of living. A job that the government has not been held responsible to do for its own people.

Hospitals in the United States deliver migrant babies, heal their sick and injured. Some pay their way and some cannot. Many take advantage of social welfare programs such as WIC and Food Stamps.

In 1985, when Mexico City had a horrendous earthquake and subsequent mudslide, causing great loss of life and physical damage, the United States sent a large sum of financial aid to combat the devastation.

The above references are just a couple of the many examples of the helpful relationship of the United States and Mexico.

It might be nice for Mexico to remember how it has come to have opportunities for its people. The Mexican government has never done one third as much for her people as the United States has done indirectly and directly by sending financial aid every year. Central and South American countries also receive this aid from the United States.

This aid is to ensure that these governments will provide opportunity and an economy for their citizens, so they wouldn’t need to leave their homes to come to the United States for a better life.

While it is not the responsibility of Mexico to secure our border, they might want to consider with some gratitude all the United States has done for them by way of employing their citizens, and ensuring the good health of many as well.

There is certainly a lot more the Mexican government could do to deter the caravans from arriving at the US border, but the new president isn’t cooperating very much.

If President Trump is forced to close the border indefinitely to solve the Humanitarian and Drug crisis, everyone is going to lose money and commerce. There will be shortages of products and foods. The cost of this action would certainly be staggering for both sides of the coin.

It is ironic that a United States President has to fight his own government along with foreign governments just to keep his constituents safe.

Write your representatives and demand an answer to this dilemma.

The Clinton Saga Continues


The Clinton Saga Continues

The Clinton’s years of association with big cash donors aside, many now being outed as sexual predators, pedophiles and rapists, the Clinton’s actual collusion with the Russians, as compared to what they claim Trump did, is becoming a point of fact, not a phony $6 million dossier filled with rumors, lies and innuendos.

Uranium ore now becomes center to our Clinton story with implications that have revealed Obama’s government to be despotic and its citizens targets. The implications extend far beyond the money grubbing underway by greedy politicians from special interests, it is the unbridled and unconstitutional power of government to seize private property and kill to do it.

I am referring to the standoff last year between the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Oregon State Police and local law enforcement, pitted against the Hammond family ranch at Burns, Oregon that involved other concerned citizens as protesters occupying the Malheur Game Refuge. The government’s siege of the park gave the story legitimacy while the back story was ignored. It’s a dark story indeed.

Recall that the BLM lost public’s approval when they were forced to stand down in their attempt to seize the property of the Bundy Ranch in Nevada on piddling allegations that Bundy’s cattle were illegally grazing on open range, government (BLM) land. Oh, woe! It was reported then that Senate majority leader, Harry Reid (D-Nv) wanted the land to resell to a solar power company, supposedly to advance Obama’s green energy scheme and to help defray the cost of his retirement. Maybe!

Apart from the fact that some armed Bundy Ranch supporters went to Burns, Ore. to assist the Hammond’s in what appears to be another trumped-up case to allow the BLM to seize the their  ranch, what is the connection? It’s uranium, and is a scandal that could take down the Clintons once and for all.

The Hill broke the story as far back as 2009. Clinton, as Secretary of State, approved the sale of 20% of American uranium to Russia through a Canadian businessman, a big donor to the Clinton Foundation. He was representing a Russian front Canadian mining business called Uranium one. The FBI was investigating the proposed deal and successfully inserted an undercover agent who has subsequently been gagged from even talking to Congress about it.

The Obama administration and the Clintons (Bill Clinton received a half million dollars for delivering a speech in Moscow) defended their actions insisting there was no evidence that any Russians or donors engaged in wrongdoing and there was no national security reason for any member of congress to oppose the Uranium One deal. The deal was clear and above board said Clinton’s State Department. But was it?

The Hill reported that documents from the FBI, the Department of Energy and a Federal Court shows the FBI in fact had gathered substantial evidence that Russian businessman Vadim Mikerin was engaged in wrongdoing starting in 2009, well before the committee’s decision and, was, in fact, overseeing Putin’s nuclear expansion inside the United States.

Where is this uranium? It’s in Burns, Oregon. To quote the source: “The central part of the Malheur Refuge Protest was the Hammond family, and their ranch outside of Burns, Oregon. Dwight and Steven Hammond were ordered to return to prison by the Federal government over a small range backfire. They had previously served out the sentence reluctantly imposed on them by Judge Hogan.”  During the court preceding the Hammond’s were forced to grant the BLM first right of refusal. If the Hammond’s ever sold their ranch they would have to sell it to the BLM.” “It was during this turbulent time that the political implications of Uranium One were shouted out over the internet.“ (not the main stream media, note.)

Source: INTELLIHUB: “Clinton Foundation took massive payoffs, promised Hammond Ranch and other publicly owned lands to Russians along with one-fifth of our uranium ore.” ”The Hammond’s ranch and other ranch lands surrounding the refuge sit atop a vast swath of precious metals, minerals, and uranium that’s heavily desired by not only the federal government but foreign entities as well.”

“Oregon Energy, L.L.C. (formally Uranium One) is interested in developing a 17-Claim parcel of land known as the Aurora Project through an open pit mining method. Besides the mine, there would be a processing mill. The claim area occupies about 450 acres and is also referred to as the “New U” uranium claims.”

Source: News-Target also reported: “Massive Cover-up. BLM leases Hammond ranch land to Russia through donors to the Clinton Foundation for its uranium. Evidence has surfaced that the BLM has been taking land with plans to lease it to Clinton Foundation donors.”

“Russia gradually gained control of Uranium One, a major Russian mining company, in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, while Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State. Canadian records reveal that the company’s chairman used his own family foundation to make four donations to the Clinton Foundation during that time, resulting in a sum contribution of $2.35 million. Secretary Clinton approved the deal for Russia soon after her family’s slush fund received the donations. Now, Vladimir Putin controls 20 percent of all uranium production capacity in the U.S.”

The previous data was as indicated, copied from open sources. The Burns, Oregon refuge siege incident, that included the murder of one protester at a police checkpoint, was another blatant example of a corrupt (Marxist leaning) government running rough-shod over its citizens, for the financial benefit of one of its “elites” (the Clintons).

Americans are wising up and are getting sick and tired of it. The Federal government, with a One World Government attitude in the hands of corrupt politicians lining their pockets with taxpayer dollars, must come to an end. Throw in the Clinton’s cozy connections with Hollywood’s “A- List” of pedophilia admirers and the corruption and criminality of our political leaders in the Obama administration becomes clearer.

It’s time for term limits to be seriously considered as a corrective to career politicians whose entire reason to exist is to gain personal wealth off the unsuspecting American taxpayer, American security and sovereignty be damned. Trump is their main danger.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (27Oct2017)

The Truth About Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Politics, State & National

The truth about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Anonymous  01/28/19 (Mon) 01:17:26 ID: 1533f4

I am someone close to Ruth and have decided to come here to tell you the truth about what is happening, because I fear there is going to be massive unrest once the whole nation finds out what has been hidden from them. You can call me Lindsey B. for future reference (not my real name, obviously).

Ruth is not dead, like others have suggested. She is in a medically induced coma at an undisclosed location. Ruth is deathly ill with pneumonia and has multiple infections related to her recent lung cancer surgery and the accident that fractured her ribs.

Big players on the Democrat side of things are doing everything they can to cover this up and keep Ruth out of the spotlight and alive (through life support, if necessary). They do not want, under any circumstances, Trump picking another justice to serve on the SCOTUS. This would be devastating to their long-term plans… or so I have been told.

They plan on continuing this charade until the 2020 election and will casually announce she has passed away after a new Dem president gets into office.

If Trump remains in office and wins reelection, I’m not sure what they will do.

Georgia Can’t Trust A Liar Like Geoff Duncan – Details on Geoff Duncan’s Lies

Featured, Politics

Geoff Duncan is lying about David Shafer. Every day, he is pushing a new lie to try and deceive Georgia Republicans. Don’t be fooled — Duncan will say and do anything to get elected. See below why we can’t trust a liar like Geoff Duncan.

Lie #1

Duncan maliciously lies, saying Shafer is being sued for conspiracy.


The newspaper headline in the Duncan advertisement (“Candidate accused of conspiracy in CEO’s ouster”) refers to a lawsuit filed against another candidate, former gubernatorial candidate Clay Tippins.

Shafer is not named as a defendant or accused of wrongdoing in the Tippins lawsuit. In fact, David Shafer has never been named as defendant in any lawsuit.

Lie #2

Duncan lies by accusing David Shafer of not paying taxes.


Shafer’s tax dispute was resolved in his favor and the tax lien issued against him was marked “issued in error and withdrawn.”

Lie #3

Duncan lies, claiming Shafer used political power to end an ethics investigation.


David Shafer was completely exonerated by a two month, bipartisan ethics investigation.

Shafer cooperated fully. He sat for two interviews and produced 10 years of email and telephone records.

The independent counsel hired by the Ethics Committee to investigate the complaint determined that the allegations had been “fabricated” and were “politically motivated.”

Lie #4

Duncan falsely accuses Shafer of getting rich as a State Senator.


David Shafer has worked his entire life. He opened his first bank account at age 8 with money saved from mowing lawns. He worked as a church janitor at age 13 and a restaurant busboy at age 16. He worked his way through college as a department store sales clerk. After college, he earned his real estate license and invested in real estate and he has invested in and started numerous businesses. Shafer is proud of his business success.

Georgia Can’t Trust A Liar Like Geoff Duncan.

Sign up now for more updates at Deceptive Duncan


Short Takes – The Unraveling Clinton Scandal


The Unraveling of the Clinton Collusion

One can’t help but wonder if the deadly jihadist attack yesterday in NYC, was not a diversion to take our eyes off the Mueller/Comey/Manafort/DNC Collusion with the Russians operetta now unfolding in Washington DC. Maybe the Russian Facebook controversy was supposed to do that. In any event, they still haven’t tied Trump to any criminal offense involving the Russians, but with Hillary Clinton and her RICO machine they have. Where’s the cavalry when needed?

Muller, the Democrats ‘Torquemada’ as it were, is applying the squeeze, a technique long known to government interrogators to apply to low level nobody’s, encouraging them to “rat out” their superiors. The method was perfected long ago by the interrogators of the Spanish Inquisition and, when applied to an offenders genitalia, it works to extract even more damaging admissions, even if they don’t exist. “Confess now, avoid the rush.”

That Mueller is even involved in this investigation against Trump, is painful, especially with his Democrat background as well as adding all Clinton donors to his investigative staff. It could even rebound against him when he least expects it. Comey, who replaced Mueller as FBI Director, did the unthinkable, he involved himself in a task that the Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, should have done, pass judgement on whether Hillary Clintons treasonous email debacle was triable as a high crime or misdemeanor against the security of the United States, or not.

Comey’s arrogant action, relieving Hillary of criminal culpability, opened the door to ambitious underlines in the higher ranks of the FBI (McCabe) and DOJ, (Rosenstein) to bring him down. Comey made a serious ‘faux Pas,’ and it is now comes to light that Rosenstein told Andrew McCabe that he was thinking of recommending to the president that Comey be replaced. Before he made such a decision, he wanted McCabe’s opinion of Comey’s handling of his job. Well, McCabe took that opportunity to stick a knife in Comey’s  back by agreeing that Comey should be removed. This is all like a TV soap opera. Keep in mind, these are all unelected bureaucrats, real deep-state swamp dwellers who’s whole ambition is to remain at the apogee of power and work together to destroy Trump’s presidency. They will keep trying, won’t they?

These people are despicable, pious, self-serving hypocrites. Their jobs are sinecures that serves to enrich them at the expense of stupid elected politicians. It’s impossible to not have these bottom-feeders worm their way into all levels of government, and it screams for the corrective action that comes with mandatory transfers, much like the military does within its ranks every three or four years. It keeps the pot stirred.

The aura of conflict of interest here is unmistakable. Our Congress does the usual, nothing, except coalesce against the one man that actually wants to drain the swamp. Mueller, Comey, McCabe & Rosenstein are all way too deeply involved in this political mess to be able to fix it. The Media is protecting democrat corruption while trying to destroy Republicans who flail about in a vain attempt to save themselves. Republicans are either too stupid or too cowardly, or corrupt, to do anything about it. They can only continue to disrespect their base, rail against Trumps aggressive style of political combat and help the Democrats obstruct Trumps agenda.

It cannot be denied that the tone of the Russia debacle is changing rapidly. We hear less about collusion and more about the Russian Facebook ads because, even after one year’s worth of investigations, no evidence has emerged to support Trump’s collusion, indeed he is likely to be vindicated. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (01Nov2017)

The Awful Truth – The Clinton’s Did It!


The Awful Truth – The Clinton’s Did It!

Any severe shock to the system, like the sinking of the Titanic for example, or the loss of the unsinkable candidacy of Hillary Clinton, such as she experienced last November, discombobulates the little grey cells that promote cognitive thinking. Dazed, it leads to the design of cunning schemes, plots and ruses that would, hopefully, “rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic,” and they always go astray. The whole Clinton, DNC scheme to take Trump down is exposing the real depths of corruption that is embedded in our Federal government.

Sinking to the depths of desperate depravity in its attempts to nullify the election of Donald trump, the DNC, under the stewardship of Hillary Clinton, who hates to be blind-sided, but was, went absolutely berserk trying to create a believable plan to discredit Donald Trump. But how?, By blaming Trumps victory on collusion with the Russians. They were aided in their quest by a treacherous Republican deep state donor, as yet unidentified but, my instincts naturally turn to the Bush’s especially after G.W. Bush’s recent ant-Trump statement. But, we’ll see.

The Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, like every campaign does, paid for candidate research against Trump and the several other possible GOP candidates during the Republican primaries. The report on Trump, in light of their massive loss to him, formed the basis of the now false narrative against Trump that the corrupted Director of the FBI, James Comey, seized without qualification as the probable truth. He had to know.

This infamous report, now a “dossier,” was created by Fusion GSP, a background research firm. Fusion GPS supposedly, turned to an ex-MI-6 (British Intelligence) agent, Christopher Steele, as the source of their inquiries in Russia itself. Hence the foolish “golden shower’ and other nonsense alleged against Trump to demean his character.

When Trump refused to fold under the withering assault from the Left’s media, the DNC demanded a special investigator, former FBI Director Mueller, to prove Trumps complicity. Then, their whole tawdry scheme started to unravel. Mueller found nothing except Clinton’s unraveling scandal of collusion with the Ruskies.

Congress was now asking questions and the heat was on. Fusion’s founders having previously testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee now refused to testify to the House Intelligence Committee. It’s getting out of hand and the DNC and Clintons did what they always do:  deny everything, admit nothing and blame somebody else.

Here, the story takes its interesting turn. It now turns out that the Fusion “dossier,” was in fact the one they paid for at the very beginning. That it was totally bogus was inconsequential as it was advanced with purpose of driving Trump out of office. Will Hillary escape again? Are there other flunkies she can throw under the bus first?  We’ll wait and see.

Between June 2015 and December 2016, Clinton’s campaign paid Perkins Coie, a lawyer, $5.6 million in legal fees. According to DNC campaign finance records, they also paid his firm $3.6 million in “legal and compliance consulting,” though it has not been determined how much was related to Fusion GPS.

Enter the FBI. With the “dossier” in hand, Comey continued to pay British Agent Chris Steel for research until after the election until Steele’s name became public. Comey said some of the information in the ‘dossier’ has been verified (a lie), though not the worst parts, which Trump denied and which has yet never been confirmed. It won’t be either.

The ”dossier” quickly entered the DC bloodstream especially among the media who saw it as final evidence of Trumps criminality. Even Sen. John McCain got a copy and doing his civic duty, handed it over to the FBI. FBI-Director James Comey presented President Trump with a short summary of the ‘dossier’ findings in January 2017. The entire report ended up on the Buzzfeed website shortly thereafter. What caused the collapse? One simple question Trump asked: who paid for the “dossier” to be released?

Comey was fired, basically for his incompetence for exculpating Clinton for her criminal mishandling of classified information, and for his untrustworthiness. Consequently, Mueller, the former FBI Director Comey replaced, like a bloodhound, was set on the scent to exculpate the Democrat machine and destroy Donald Trump, officially with whatever dirt he could dig up.

Now, almost a year later, nothing has been found that even remotely involves Trump or his campaign in a criminal conspiracy with the Russians but, Lo! suddenly the evil that is Clinton’s grubby machinations for cash when she was Secretary of State, surfaces and demonstrates exactly the opposite. It’s a trail that Mueller cannot refuse to follow, a real conspiracy, selling America’s uranium resources to the Russians. All because of a phony dossier Hillary’s campaign and the DNC paid for. How did Shakespeare put it: ”Oh, what tangled webs we weave when first we practice to deceive.”

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now got get ‘em! (26Oct17)

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